Peter Green #1 (Fleetwood Mac)

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The slight plinking of an acoustic guitar drifted out the open window of my friend Jenny Boyd's house. Nothing unfamiliar about that, but this sounded different. Very passionate and dark. It was really sexy. 

Jenny's boyfriend, Mick Fleetwood, picked me up from my flat to bring me to their house. Jenny invited me out for a girls day, but had to run out to help her sister, Pattie Boyd, with something at her house. 

"Jen should be back soon. Pattie and George normally don't keep her too long." Mick told me, opening the door to his house. 

"Oh, I'm sure I'll be alright until she gets here." I smiled, walking into the house. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He came in behind me and closed the door. 

Their house could be described as nothing other than a home. Beautiful antique decor and photos of their parents and family everywhere. It may not have been a very large or small house, but they made use of the space they had with no cluttering whatsoever. One thing that was new was the dark haired man with a guitar sitting on the blue couch in the living room. 

 "(Y/N), this is Peter," the man looked up at the sound of his name. "He's part of the band, but I don't think you two've met."

"Um, no, I don't believe we have." I nodded to Peter. "How do you do?"

Peter pursed his lips together into a straight line, nodding in return, and refocusing on the instrument in his lap. 

I took a deep breath. "Okee..."

"Well, uhh, make yourself at home, and I'll go put on the kettle." Mick said, forming a smile. His tall, lanky figure ducked into the kitchen, leaving me alone with the man on the couch. 

I stared at him for a long while, watching him play a bluesy tune I had never heard before. He was so engulfed in it. His eyes were closed, he would throw his head back at times. He just let the guitar take him away, possessing him into oblivion to where I never thought he was going to come back. 

He suddenly stopped with a snap of the guitar pick and I jumped, frozen in place to see what he would do next. He remained motionless, his eyes still closed. I watched his chest slowly rise into a deep breath, and then exhale again. 

"You... got your spell on me baby," he sang, so low and smouldering. He added a little filler lick on the guitar and continued singing, almost as if he was making the words up on the spot. 

"You got your spell on me baby
Yes, you got your spell on me baby
You're turning my heart into stone
I need you so bad, magic woman...

He paused a moment, his eyes still closed, speaking the last words. "I can't leave you alone."

I felt my lips part slightly, and I continued staring at him. This man was enchanting. Everything about him was so captivating, I suddenly felt as though cold air wasn't blowing through the open window.

"Can I help you?" He asked, snapping me out of my trans.

"I- uhh... s-sorry." I jerked my arms out of my lap, instantly realizing I was sitting in the chair catty-cornered to the couch he was on.

The corner of his mouth turned upwards in a smirk, clearly amused by my flustered state.

"I- I was just..." I trailed off watching him raise an eyebrow. I sighed, knowing I wasn't getting anywhere with an excuse. "I liked the song."

Peter grinned, hanging his head down to his guitar. "Thanks. It's new. I just started writing it."

"What's it called?"

He didn't answer, he picked at his guitar instead of responding. 

"Black Magic Woman." He eventually said, setting his guitar to the side. "Stupid really."

"I didn't think so. I thought it was quite-" I stopped, afraid to say it out loud. 

"Quite what?"

I bit my bottom lip. "Sexy..." 

His lips curled into that smirk again. "If I told you what inspired it, would it still be sexy?"

"Depends." I replied, thinking that was a dumb question. 

He turned his whole body to me. 

"Last night, I watched a play on the telly. A horrifying play, if you will, with skulls and things of that nature."

"Ehhck," that grossed me out. 

"Yes. That and," he started chuckling to himself. "Th-hat and my ex-girlfriend was into stuff like that. Black magic 'n all that."


He nodded. 

We stayed quiet for a moment, and I felt really uncomfortable. He seemed like he didn't want to talk to me at all. I was usually a person everyone talked to, but the vibe Peter gave off proved to be a first to me. 

He did just tell me about his freak of an ex, though. I thought. Maybe that was the reason why he had his guard up. 

"Hellooo," a women's voice sang on the outside of the front door. 

Peter and I turned to the door and watched as Jenny came through the door. I jumped up and hurried to her. 

"Hey, Jen!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around her. 

"Hey, (Y/N)!" She sounded confused, but still happy to see me. 

"Is everything okay?" She mouthed to me. 

I nodded, pausing for a second and turning back to Peter. 

"Hi, Peter." Jenny greeted him. He responded the same way he did to me earlier. "Where's Mick?"

"In here." I answered, walking her into the kitchen. 

 When we walked in, Mick jumped off the counter looking like a little boy that had done something he shouldn't have. 

Jenny went to him and stood on her tip toes, helping Mick close the foot-long height difference between them

"I don't know when we'll be back." She told him. 

"That's fine. Me and Peter are just working new material."

"Is Danny coming?" I asked, knowing if I was coming back, then I'd have someone to talk to other than Peter. 

"Both him and McVie should show up later." Mick said. 


"Welp, we best be off, then." Jenny smiled, taking my hand. "See you later, lovie."

"Bye-bye." He waved.

When we stopped at the front door, Jenny looked at Peter, who was once again playing his guitar.

"Bye, Peter." She said. 

He didn't answer. He only opened his mouth as a way to feel the music he was creating. 

Jenny rolled her eyes and pushed the door open. As we made our way to the car, she spoke to me.

"So how'd you like Peter?"

"He's definitely something." I sighed.

"Really, I thought you'd like him."

I do... I thought, looking back at the open window as I got in the car. 

"I think I just like the mystery." I told her, still looking at the house while we drove away. 


R.I.P. my love ❤

Peter Green (1946-2020)

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