Eventually the Angel she would come to know as Rencadia came bursting into the room. Though she was just a Dominion Class Angel herself, well below the ranking of an Archangel, she bravely reminded them that only God himself could resurrect an Angel, so they had no right to question her existence.

Michael, one of the few Angels with black hair worn in short but thick waves, nodded and directed his attention directly at Nera then. His steely blue eyes pierced into Nera's coldly. "Very well. You shall be named-"

"Nera." She suddenly interjected.

He raised a brow in annoyance. "Excuse me?"

She swallowed nervously. "He... he told me my name. It's Nera."

Michael and the Archangels scoffed at that, a few even laughed. "And who exactly told you that?"

She burned inside at the disrespectful tone he'd taken with her. "God did." She whispered nervously.

Raphael stepped forward angrily at that point. "Oh please, as if he would ever directly address a lowly little creation like you. I can already see you are going to be a problem." He hissed acidly.

Nera was terrified at that point and looked down, tears stinging her eyes. She felt that warmth on her shoulder again and those words spoken in her ear echoed in her mind.

"My... my name is Nera." She insisted again softly.

The Archangels laughed derisively at her. "Very well, Nera." Michael finally responded sarcastically. "Follow me."

From then on she'd been placed into a life in Heaven that involved learning not only what an inferior creation she was but also the history of God's work.

It was during her studies that she met Lucius. He was the first Angel to truly show her any kindness, but he also made it known early on that he desired more than just her friendship. She didn't see him that way though. It took him nearly a thousand years to weaken her resolve. She'd felt no attraction toward him, but it was nice to have someone to talk to, so eventually she had given in to his advances.

Then she got her first mission to Earth. Yes, that's when everything really changed.

Lucifer had tried several times to address Nera but she was clearly lost in thought.

"Nera." He said firmly, finally gaining her attention. She faltered in her step and looked at him suddenly.

"Oh, yes... I'm just nervous about my first Hell Hunt, I apologize." She quickly responded, then leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. You'll be with me the entire time." He assured her, squeezing her hand gently. Somehow, those words did little to set her mind at ease.

They entered an extremely long stone incline that had clearly been worn down with time and when they reached the top, Nera could see out over a large portion of the part of the city that lay in ruin. There were dilapidated buildings with fires burning here and there, and smoke rose in slender black tendrils from almost every structure. Strange creatures sulked and slithered in the shadows.

Ahead of Nera and Lucifer stretched the first long bridge. They were built very sturdy, but it still made her nervous. If Lucifer pushed her off this one it would kill her instantly. She slipped her arm around his waist and held him tight.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now