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Yoongi's POV

I thoroughly search through my closets, trying to find a perfect white tee and some nice black skinny ripped jeans to go with my look for this special date.

"Ughhh! Where is it?" Yoongi muttered underneath his breath as he pulls out a pair of jeans but then quickly changed his mind and decided to put them right back into his closet. Picky, he was being picky.

"What's with all the fuss? Are you going somewhere?" Yoongi's roommate who has been watching from the start questionably asked, putting his phone aside to look at his dongsaeng with curious eyes.

"Yes hyung, I'm going to ask Jiminie out." Yoongi says with excitement as he flashes his roommate a big proud smile but the pink-haired male's face quickly turned pale and his body seemed a little too stiff to begin with.

"Woah woah woah! Stop right there." Jin chuckles nervously before sitting up straight from his bed, fully having his attention on the black-haired male whose brows turned into a soft frown.

"Yoongi are you sure about this? Do you think Jimin would say yes?" Jin nervously asks, trying not to sound too rude.

"Of course hyung and Jiminie would obviously say yes, I can already feel it!." Yoongi says while grinning confidently as he thinks about how he got a chance with his pretty dongsaeng, the younger had been acting different around him.

He would sometimes give him gifts, lots of hugs, whining so cutely when he is with the elder, also being much touchier than ever and that's the reasons why it leads Yoongi to come up with a big decision to ask Jimin to finally be his official boyfriend.

"Look Yoongi, Just because Jimin is being his usual self around you does not mean he likes you." Jin spat out with honesty and instantly Yoongi's smile disappear as his eyes darken.

"What are you trying to say Jin hyung?" Yoongi spoke coldly and his roommate just sighed whilst his face grimaces.

"Jimin only wants your attention like how he gets everyone's else, that is the normal Park Jimin I know." Jin says, disagreeing with the idea of Yoongi asking Jimin out because he could not let his dongsaeng get hurt after what he heard that night.

"But he hugs me! Give me gifts and even personally ask me to compliment him." Yoongi defends himself and it only made his roommate brought up a hand to facepalmed himself.

"Yah! Chim do that all the time with me and Joo- RM, Don't tell me he gave you a blue friendship bracelet that had exactly three yellow hearts on it too!" Jin raised his tone in disbelief and it made Yoongi's eyes widen in shock.

The paler male stayed silent, Jimin really did gave him a bracelet and it's blue and have three heart on it. Oh, how he thought it was some couple bracelets that he and Jimin only wear, Not to mention how he had been hugging that bracelet all night long.

"See? Jimin is only treating you like that because you are his hyung." Jin finally came to a conclusion of a harsh reality, trying as hard as possible to stop Yoongi from making the wrong decision.

"Then do dongsaengs kiss their hyungs even if they are off cam?" Yoongi suddenly snapped as his eyes squinted unpleasantly at the idea of Jimin kissing somebody else.

"Of cou- wait...Jimin kissed you?! And it wasn't on cam." Jin jumps on the spot, eyes widening like his broad shoulders that unsteadily carries this whole information.

Instantly, Yoongi smirks in victory and then turns his back to Jin, putting his focus back on choosing his outfit for tomorrow's special night.

"Yoongi listens to me, Jimin doesn't love you lik-"

One True Pair | yoonmin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now