Chapter 46

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WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE? I yelled at the top my lungs everyone just froze I'm sorry I said softly than ran off to my room. It was 5 in the morning I have been up since I don't know when I have drove and walked these more than once i went to everywhere I know she would go and she's not there. She hasn't text or called to let us know she's okay I don't care bout her coming home I just want to know she's somewhere safe and not into trouble.

Jai I heard someone say softly Emily I said can I come in? She asked I just nodded she came and sat next to me. Jai I don't know zoey as well as you do but I know the struggle she's been through and still is I said what you mean he said I use to cut 4 months clean now and that's the reason we became friends but besides that someone like us with this struggle we aren't cured in a night or just by being around good people and taking the bad out our life's it's like a addiction and cutting is our heroine. Even though we may be clean for so many months but every time something happens we want to go and relieve our selves but we know we can't. Also we need alone time just as much as you do we are normal human beings and I know every time she leaves your side you worry about if she will or worse but it comes to much for her to know that and everything becomes to much you can't isolate us because we can break and we will do what zoey has done tonight she said I know she needs time alone just I'm afraid when she gets that she may do it and that hurts me to know he said I know but you have to trust knowing you can trust us and believe in us we won't helps us more than what your actually doing she said I'm just scared she may be hurt I said and started to cry I know but she's okay she's strong she said I just nodded as I hugged her.

What Emily said did make sense and maybe how I handle this isn't the right way and maybe I can fix this running away she does when she needs alone time because we're fucking idiots and don't give her the time she does need because we worry to much and don't trust her that she will do it but maybe that has to change and maybe things will turn out better in the future if I listen and change my ways.


Beau this is killing me I said to him I know he said it kills me seeing Jai in this much pain and it kills me not knowing if Zoey's somewhere safe and that she's okay I said I know Luke this isn't easy but we got to stay strong for jai and help him in any way we can to bring home zoey as soon as possible because seeing him like this is killing me too beau said I just nodded and went back to my phone. I kept calling and texting her but nothing just voice mail and no replies. How much longer can she ignore us I said well it's zoey she's a stubborn one when she wants to be and seeing this is one of those times were she wants to be a stubborn as hell and not let anyone of us know she's okay he said I just sighed and agreed with him because I hate to admit this but she's worse than jai and I never knew that was possible I said and we both let out a small giggle but before we knew it we were both back glued to our phones trying to find our run away zoey.


I tossed and turned all night well actually it's still night it's 5 in the morning. I just got up and paced the apartment and looked around and looked at the photos she had on her wall she had one when we were younger I think I was only 8 and she was 10 oh how I miss those times everything was so simple I still had a fucked up dad but times were easy I didn't cut I didn't have a boyfriend which I truly love him but he can become a little to much and also I had no care in my world I had nothing to worry about the only thing I had to was my dad. I wish my life could go back to how it was when I was 8 when things were easy and shit didn't happen. Just thinking I started to cry and realizing the life I have I love it but there's some days I wish things were different and this is one of of those days. I just walked away from the photos and just looked around seeing what else she had I was looking through her bookshelf till I saw a notebook which had my name on it I grabbed it and opened to see a letter in it. I just looked it up and down and then started to read.

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