Chapter 41

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it's been a month since Sharia left. We have talked here and there she has recorded her first sing it sounds amazing and she has met many of her idols she's doing good and were all proud of her here. Luke is still having a rough time with it at night if I'm there I will wake up to him crying and when he's with everybody he's very quite little is heard from him he usually sits on his phone or stares at nothingness I try to talk to him but he just shrugs it off and ignores us the boys keep telling me he will come around give it time so that's what I'm trying to do. On happier news Alison my new niece is a month old she's so cute Alexis and Jason have there hands full with her right now I'm always taking her from them for they can sleep and get some things done.

It was a Wednesday afternoon I was home alone mark was out somewhere Alexis well she moves out moms at work and Amy is out with skip. I was laying in bed I haven't moved since I woke up I was just scrolling through twitter nothin was new on it! I put my phone down and went down stairs! I got some Nutella toast and orange juice. I was sitting on my bed just eating in peace and quiet till my phone buzzed and saw I got a new text.

To Zoey From Jai 💖

Hey wanna hang out??

To Jai💖 from Zoey

Yeah sure :)

To Zoey from Jai💖

Wanna go up to the shops?

To Jai💖 from Zoey

Hell ya I can be at your place in a hour?

To Zoey from Jai💖

Ahaha sounds good!

I didn't bother to answer I grabbed my plate and glass and put them in the sink. I ran back up stairs I grabbed my towels and headed for a shower! I was in and out I grabbed a towel that was on the counter and wiped the window. i grabbed my tooth brush and brushed my teeth then I washed my face with my face wash. I finished up everythingI had to in the bathroom then i headed through to my room to get ready. I was rummaging through my clothes it was raining today. i grabbed my blue jeans and my obey sweater i slipped them on. i did some light make up and roughly blow dried my hair i then tied it up in a pony tail. i grabbed my bag i through my wallet and the essentials in it. I slipped on my vans. I grabbed my phone and I was set to go I walked down stairs I left a note on the fridge.

Hey ppl I'm going up to the shops with jai text me or call if ya need me be back later ~ Zoey

I then grabbed my keys I locked up the house then headed over to the boys. I walked in I went to the kitchen Hey Zoey Gina said oh hey Gina I said what brings you here? Jai and I were gonna head up to the shops I said oh sounds fun she said ahaha yup I said ummm how's Luke? I asked he's doing Alrite still mopey still testy with all of us he's still asleep I think she said I just looked down don't worry bout him he will pull through she said I know I just want to help him I said I know you do but what we all have learned from him he will come to you when he's ready she said I just nodded. We soon finished up I went to the twins room to see if jai was ready I walked in he was just putting in his beanie and fixing his hair hey I said he said and kissed my cheek when I walked over to him sup Luke I said hey is all I got jai gave me a reassuring smile I just shrugged my shoulders. Ready to go? Jai asked yup I said he grabbed my hand and we walked out the to the car.

We were on are way it was quiet neither one of us were talking just the music humming in the background. You okay? Jai asked breaking the silence never better why? I asked just the whole thing with Luke and sharia leaving he said I'm upset bout her not here but she's the happiest I have ever seen her here and with Luke ya I'm little upset I want to help him I know what it feels like but like you all keep saying he will come to you when he's ready I said she's happy that's all that matters and yeah that's all we really can say with Luke because the harder you may try the more he will push you away that's what I have learned over the years he explained yeah and I know we are kinda a like in that way I said he just giggled.

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