chapter 15

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Hey guys there will be a bit of sexual scenes in here so if u don't like it don't read it :).



beep beep.....

ughhhhh who the hell is calling me this early, i slowly slipped out of jais grip and went to the kitchen to answer my phone. unknown number hello....? i told you not to tell anyone the guy answered then I relised who it was OH MY GOD DAD WHAT THE HELL WHY CANT YOU LEAVE ME AND MY FAMILY ALONE i yelled down the phone well huni i cant do that he said with a chuckle you will be seeing me soon sooner then you think.... what the hell do you mean i said trying to sound strong but the line went dead i felt i tear run down my face i was so scared i needed to scream i needed to do something i was upset and angry i just slid down the wall i heard footsteps i looked up to see luke i was crying hysterically now he sat down in front of me i just jumped into his arms for a hug once i calmed down i told my dad called me and he said i will be seeing him sooner than i think I'm scared luke I'm scared that he's gonna hurt you guys or my family I'm scared i know what he can do i know he can do more if he wanted to but he never did becuase he knows where he will end up luke looked at me with tears in his eyes he pulled me into a tight hug soon we broke apart and he said he will always protect me all of us will he said with a smile. i heard jai waking up luke can you do me favour i asked him he nodded and asked what can i do for you? i smiled and asked him, can you tell everyone please bout what i told you i wanna go for a shower and clean up? yeah for sure i hugged him and made my way to the bathroom.


everyone is up now they all were sitting in the lounge watching tv. ummm guys i need to talk to you they all looked at me confused but i went on with it. Zoeys dad called her this morning saying that we will be seeing him soon but sooner than we think i found her crying this morning ummm shes scared bout what he is thinking bout doing and who is his victim of the crime they all just looked at me with tears and anger in their eyes. i looked over at jai i could tell he wanted to say something but he couldn't sharia got up and we hugged i hugged her tightly because shes scared of losing her best friend basically her sister. i looked over to see monica and beau all cuddled up. it was scary to know he was out there and could attack her anytime.


luke where is she? i managed to say she said she needed to take a shower. i got up i looked in my bedroom to see her sitting there crying i walked up to her and pulled her into a tight hug i whispered into her ear i will always be here to keep you safe i love you. she looked up and cuddled up into my chest then she whispered i love you jai please don't ever leave me I smiled and kissed the top of her head don't worry baby i will never leave you your amazing.


I cuddled with jai he made me safe like no one could touch me but i knew that wasn't true i knew i was gonna be meeting up with my dad soon i know the outcome wont be good it never comes out good. we soon got up and joined everyone in the lounge beau got up and gave me hug and soon did Monica and sharia gave me a big group hug. once we all settled down lets go out clubbing to nite they all looked at me in shock what? i said they all laughed and agreed we needed to have some fun from being so depressed from my dad lately. what time 6 i said sure they said. i looked at sharia and Monica who looked so happy ummm I'm sorry guys and i don't want to pull you guys away from your lovers but we should go home and get ready they looked at me with said puppy dog eyes oh someone call skip and James to come they both left early that morning someone fill them in please. the boys nodded we all gave our boyfriends a kiss and a hug goodbye i grabbed all my things i gave Monica and shaira a hug before walking up my driveway. hello anybody home? i called no one answered i walked through to the kitchen to a note.

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