chapter 12

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i woke up around 11:00 i i got up i looked at my phone and i realized it was my birthday yayyyyy I'm finally 18. i walked down stairs my mom gave me a big hug and wished me happy birthday Mark and alex were already up oh who looked to join Mark said i laughed happy birthday to you too i said they laughed and wish me too. i got some orange juice and went back to my room and i have so many notifications wishing me happy birthday i had none from the boys or monica and sharia i just ignored it and went on with my day i just lazed around for a bit.

beep beep..

to zoey from jai

hey baby wanna hang out with me tonite? xx

to jai from zoey

yeah sure what time? xx

to zoey from jai

7:00 umm dress nice but u always do

to jai from zoey

ahaha okay and dont worry I'm not mad see u later love you

to zoey from jai

love you too

its only 12 i have a long time before i have to get dressed. i just went on twitter and had some time to myself.


luke? yeah he answered so everything set up for tonite yeah he answered okay so we have to act like we forgot i feel bad but she will be so sursprised though. ahah yeah she will me he said.


knock knock.....

who is it? I asked its me she replied oh okay come on in mom were just all going out for a couple hours is that okay? She asked yeah thats fine I'm going out in a hour anyways I Dias alrite hunny bye love you have fun thanks mom love you too

i looked at the clocked it was 5:30 i should get ready i jumped in the shower I got out and brushed my teeth and washed my face i put on a tight halter neck black dress i put on my make up i did a smokey eye look i put on my favorute song bestfriends by the janoskians while i finished getting ready i loosly curled my hair i pinned it to one side i looked at the time it was 7:00 i put on my red lipstick i pit on my black heels i grabbed my bag threw some make up in it i walked down satirs there was a knock at my door i opened to see jai standing there in a white dress top his hair all gelled he looked handsome. he looked at me he said i looked gorgeous he grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug we got a taxi we got to a like a hall or somthing.

jai what are we doing here just trust me ok i said we walked in it was dark then SURPRISE happy birthday beautiful he said aww jai you didn't have too I said yes i did your amazing then he handed me a box it was a bracelet it had a heart with our initials engraved into it i looekd at him i kissd him. Beau and monica came over hand in hand wishing me a happy birthday i hugged them both then i saw sharia and luke they both ran over to me they both pulled me into a hug and wished me happy birthday.

it was awesome night. jai and i danced and goofed around it was amazing.

soon everybody left it was aound 1:00 i was gonna clean up but we all went home i went to Jai's we were in his room he leaned in we stated to kiss we layed down on the bed his hands running up and down my back i pulled of his shirt off i felt his hand find my zipper as he was sucking my neck i let out a couple moans as did he went i started giving him a love bite soon we were both in our underwear he went to kiss me i turned my face away he looked at me is everything okay he asked? he everythings more than great but your amazing and all but im not ready he looked at me and smile alrite im gonna respect that whenever your ready is cool with me he said and kissed me i was so happy he understood we kept kissing and all we just got to far soon we stopped i put on one of his jumpers on he was still in his boxers we layed there in the bed all cuddled up then he whispered happy birthday princess i smiled and gave him kiss soon i fell asleep.

i woke up to jai gone i went down stairs and he was watching tv with everyone else i went and i cuddled up with him. luke looked at me and asked did you have a fun nite with jai he said smiling and a wink i knew what he meant i could feel myself turning red i looked at jai we both laughed i said yes with a cheeky smile and i kissed jai.

i went home i had a letter i opened it i read it i hope you enjoyed your nite it looked like you did well tell mark and alexis happy birthday from me zoey love dad

i starred at the letter and started to cry i ran to the kitchen and i burnt it i went to get a shower i sat in there crying i got out and got dressed and i had this urge saying i needed to cut i got my blade out i was sitting on the end of my bed i heard the downstairs door open i heard it was jai i was so scared of what my dad meant i started to cut i needed atleast one to feel better then my door opened i looked it was jai he looked at me and started to tear up he ran to me i quickly ran to the bathroom slamming the door needing to do this i managed to do a couple soon he threw open the door i screamed JAI NO LET ME FINISH PLEASE I screamed NO YOU CANT DO THIS TO YOURSELF he grabbed me and he tried to get the blade from me his hand did get cut once he got it he put it in his pocket i tried to get it but he would grab me he grabbed some papertowel and sat me down he helped me clean it up and asked what happened i said it was my dad i told him what he said and all he sat there listening to me he almost cried but he kept it together because of me.

jai im scared that my dad is gonna hurt you or my family i said sobbing again jai looked at me and said its okay he wont hurt any of us he knows how scared you get of him so hes trying to scare you don't listen to him I'm always here to protect you all 5 of us are. i smiled and hugged we laid down on my bed i started to fall asleep in his strong arms then he whispered in my ear i love you i smiled and i kissed his cheek and i love you too.

i woke up around 6:00 i got up trying not to wake up jai. i walked to the washroom i looked myself in the mirror i looked horrible my eyes were red i had mascarra all on my face i grabbed a face cloth i ran some hot water i soaked it and washed my face i took all my make up off my eyes weren't as red as when i woke up. i looked down at my arms and i remembered what all happened my eyes started to tear up i quickly wiped the thought out of my head my arm looked worse than it was i washed the rag i took it and wiped my arms it stung so bad a tear fell down my cheek i quickly cleaned everything up i looked at the time it was 7:00 jai wasn't there when i went back into my room i ran down stairs he was on the couch on his phone he looked at me and smiled good morning beautiful he said i smiled and i went and cuddled with him he asked whats wrong i said nothing just tired i was up early today. awwww its okay baby go back to sleep i looked at him and i cuddeld into him and went to sleep i woke up around 8:00 jai was still cuddled up on the couch with me i looked up and smiles he said feel better yeah.

hey babe he said yeah i asked i got to go home but you wanna come around later? he asked yeah sure i will text you i got up and i smiled we kissed and he walked home i went upstairs and laid on my bed thinking about everything soon i heard someone come in peeked around the corner i was mark he must of went back out i looked down at myself i was in shorts and a tank top and all my scars and cuts were showing i ran into my room i threw sweats and over sized hoodie before he seen me soon after everyone else was home i just stayed in my room.

ZOEY my mom yelled yeah i yelled back through come down for dinner. i walked downstairs we all sat at the table it was weird we never did this, mom? I asked yeah she answered is something wrong i asked nope i just wanted to sit down with my family i smiled once we fished eating it was mine and Alexis nite to clean up once we were done i went back up stairs i had a text from jai

to zoey form jai

wanna come over?

to jai from zoey

sorry baby i think im just gonna stay home tonite.

to zoey from jai

okay goodnite love you

to jai form zoey

love you too <3

i finished texting jai i put my headphones in then i went to sleep.

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