"She's here." Nera told them.

They all teleported inside, in a circle around Elle. Elle was so surprised she jumped and dropped her glass of wine.

"Well, hello there Miss Silver." Ezra he greeted her coldly. Elle looks around at everyone that surrounded her, then smiled slyly at Ezra.

"Hello Asmodeus. It's a real pleasure to officially meet the legend." She purred in that sultry, sexy voice of hers.

His jaw clenched. She knows my true name. So, she's an immortal!? Why could I never sense her?

"I know what your all thinking. Why couldn't you sense me?" She giggled. "Just one of my special gifts I was born with. My energy is unrecognizable, not even Lucifer himself can sense it." She explained with a smirk.

"You are of no importance to me, but if you don't tell us what you've done with Sadie, I will make your death a most unpleasant one." Ezra told her, transforming into his full form.

Elle giggled excitedly. "Oh, Lucifer's sake... the stories did you no justice. You are truly incredible." She marveled as she looked him up and down. "As much as I hate to burst your bubble, I'm afraid you can't hurt me. See, Lucifer will know and literally anything you do to me, he will have done to poor little innocent Sadie." She pointed out smugly.

Nera stared hatefully at the woman, her hands curled up into tight fists as she willed herself not to attack and inadvertently cause harm to Sadie.

"Sadie is living on borrowed time." Elle continued. "Ezra and Nera, Lucifer wants to meet with you. I actually don't know what for, that's all he told me. It has to be just you two. Anyone else who goes will be killed on the spot, and Sadie... well, you won't like what they do to punish her for your mistake." Elle hinted with a chuckle.

They all stared at her silently for a moment. They all wanted to kill her and they easily could have, but they couldn't risk getting Sadie killed.

"You can use my pool out back, my Lord. I'm assuming you know what to do." She told Ezra with a coy smile as she cut her eyes at Nera.

He sneered down at her. "You are not worthy to even stand in my presence, witch. I am not your lord." He jeered bitterly at her, then transformed back into his human form.

She visibly flinched at that, and inwardly began to worry he might hate her so much that her plan might not work out how she wanted it to.

"Look, I'm just doing my job, following orders, okay?" She told him, her voice sounding a little wounded now. She grabbed a throw pillow and hugged it. "In case you've forgotten, I'll remind you. That's what we do. Well, most of us."

"There is always a choice." Ezra spat at her, then walked over to Nera and pulled her into his arms.

"Sweetheart, I have a very bad feeling about this. Lucifer has been tracking me for many years, so I can understand why he's asking for me, but not you. If anything happens to you..."

"I don't like this." Pennywise sneered and transformed into his clown form, vaulting over the couch and crawling into Elle's lap, causing her to shriek in terror as his mouth grew wide and his eyes turned red. "If anything happens to either one of them, I can promise you no realm will be safe, Demon."

"He doesn't want to kill them." She squeaked in a terrified voice. "Sadie is the one in danger of dying, not them!" She assured him in a shrill voice.

Pennywise seemed to consider this. He looked at Nera and Ezra. "Sadie is not worth risking both of you." He pointed out acidly. "I can't let you go."

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now