"Wait. Zayan Industries? Where have I heard that from?" My brother asks, coming to a realisation.

"I'm sure you heard about it because it was our company. I and your dad built it together not long after you were born." Ms Aminah answers.

"Wait! So Sayan factory is yours?" I ask her and she nods.

"Thomas took over it when he found out about my accident and that I had lost my memory." She explains.

I notice Aidah turn to my brother and I know what she's thinking. If even I am confused, then imagine her, who doesn't even know most of the background story because I doubt that my brother even told her some of it before.

"Now that everything is cleared up, I will let you know the real reason I called you here... Remember the DVD Mad Dog wanted from me? I have it here," Ms Aminah shows us a pen drive, "Thomas had it with him this whole time and that's why my friend from Canada did not find it when I asked her to send it to me. He converted it to a pen drive, the DVD was way too antique to keep this information for such a long period of time."

"We will take it to the police station to submit it as evidence." My brother says.

"You surely will, but not now. I found out who the leader's next victim is." Ms Aminah says with her eyes on me.

"Me? Again!?" I look at her in shock, mixed with fright. What is his obsession with me, honestly?

"He will try to kidnap you again and then he will ask you to call me because he knows that I will come running to you. Then he will finally get the pen drive he's been looking for all these years."

"How do you know?" I ask her.

"As I said, I knew him from before. His name was Hunter, but he probably changed it now. He was always very simple-minded, he was nothing like his father. His father was cruel and a man who could kill anybody who came across his way. It's true, maybe he changed and he now became like his father, but I doubt that he did. If everything goes the way I'm thinking then we can get him before he even manages to get Afrah." She says and then faces me, "I'm sorry, Afrah. We will have to use you as bait in order to catch them."

"So what you're trying to say is that this time he will kidnap me, himself? He won't ask his workers to do it for him?" I ask to see if I got it right.

"Yes. He can't afford any more mistakes. The one who knew him was Mad Dog and he was already caught. So Hunter will come to you in person this time. You need to act as normal as possible and don't panic because NCA agents and police officers will be around you, hiding, but they will still be there. I called Samuel and he got written permission from the NCA director, so everything is set. Just don't make it obvious that you're being followed or else Hunter will know."

"I will also be there." My brother says.

"You can't be there." Ms Aminah tells him, "He knows you. If he sees you, our plan will fail. He knows all of us here. None of us can be near Afrah for today."

"What do you mean today? So you're telling me that he's going to try to kidnap me today?" I ask as I feel my heartbeat accelerate.

"Most certainly." Ms Aminah answers.

"How come?" Junaid asks, reading my mind.

"As you guys know, Mad Dog tried to commit suicide yesterday." My brother says and we all face him, "I found out that he had written me a letter before his attempted suicide, to warn me of the leader. I believe that the letter contains the name of the gang leader. He is a very powerful man, somehow he would've found out about the letter so he has to get something that he can use to threaten the police with. That's why he can't lose any more time. Whatever that he's planning to do, he's going to do it today." My brother explains and I breath trying to process everything I just heard.

I'm about to be freaking kidnapped and everybody is talking about it as if it was a walk in the park. This is probably something they are all used to hearing. My brother and Aidah because as police officers, their job is to save people who may be in these type of situations. Junaid and Mr Thomas because they had relatives who were involved with bad people which automatically took the two of them to that dangerous world, as well. Ms Aminah was involved in an accident, losing her husband and losing her memory. The hatred she must be feeling towards the enemy makes her blind and immune to all these dangerous situations. And Malik, her brother, must be feeling the same hatred that his sister is feeling. Everybody here had gone through terrible situations and that's what keeps them fighting for their peace, after all these long years of suffering. I am the only child here who barely remembers anything, yet I also experienced it all just like them. I see it in a completely different way and I am scared to death.

I wake up back to reality when I feel the presence of someone in front of me. I knew it was Junaid. Just the sight was able to calm me down. My nerves were beginning to take over me.

"I'm scared," I tell the truth.

"Don't be, I will be there with you."

"You can't,"

He reaches for his pocket, taking from it a little blue box and opens it to reveal a beautiful, gold necklace. "Don't remove it for nothing." He tells me as he puts it around my neck.

"What does it do?" I ask once I had it on.

"Nothing. It's just a normal necklace." He says and I look at it. It looks like a normal necklace, I just thought there would be something hidden in it. "Consider it as an early gift." He says, gaining a smile from me.

Why does this sound like a goodbye? - I think to myself. It better not be. I'm getting married in exactly one week, that would've been the shortest engagement ever if this was a goodbye.
I want to spend at least another twenty-two years with my soon-to-be husband and only then I will be ready to reluctantly, for some very logical and good reason, have to say goodbye to him.


Author's Note:

Ahhh!! Is this really a goodbye for Afranaid?

Get Ready!! Crazy and Revealing chapter coming nexttt!!!

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