Chapter 34- For the love of FUCK!

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I could feel the sweat on my brow forming as we stood almost directly under the sun. I saw the tiki bar next to the pool covered with shade.

"I'll grab us some drinks...."

I walked briskly to the bar. Although no one was there to tend it, I preferred mixing my own drinks anyway.

I made us both a cranberry vodka. A classic, sweet and bitter but covers up the taste of vodka well.

Little does she know, this whole thing is going according to plan.

I pulled a locket from my pocket. A locket I made sure Mistress has never seen me with, and could easily be hidden. Except it was no ordinary locket. Looking at it, I was full of mixed emotions. Might as well be holding a grenade, ready to pull the pin.

Slowly, I opened it. Removing the tiny cover picture in case it was discovered, only to reveal the hidden button. In front of me, I lined up a shot glass for myself. I looked at the locket long and hard while pouring vodka into the shot glass.

Jack and Sarah were still distracted looking over at the water. I hovered my finger over the button for a good long minute. Everything will change.

But it will change for the better. And with absolutely no security on the boat, it should work this time.

I took the shot, and let my finger press the button at the same time. I heard an audible "Beep."

Looking down at it, it had a small blinking white light.

Quickly, I put the picture back into place and closed the locket. Concealing it once more.

Sarah's P.O.V.

I watched as this huge ship seemed to split the water apart. I smiled and could feel a light mist of ocean water tickle my skin with the breeze.

I looked onward, watching the sky and ocean connect. As if they were one being. Although this moment of bliss was quickly cut short by a cold glass that was pressed against my neck.

I didn't react to it, instead, I just took it into my hands.

"Thanks." I said to her, taking a sip. My mouth was flooded with the taste of vodka; with a bitter aftertaste from the cranberry. I almost spit it out.

"Oh, God- that- is-"

"The best drink you've ever had in your life? I know me too." Katie said as she easily drank half of hers.

"It's so strong!"

"I know! I love it. Just take it slow. You don't drink much so it might knock you on your ass."

I took another sip, a much, much smaller one this time, and scrunched my face up.

"Oh just keep drinking, you'll get used to it." Katie said finishing up her first drink already.

Great. A cup of vodka with a drop of cran.

This is disgusting.

Katie's an alcoholic.

Could have fooled me.

--mild time jump---

I sat on one of the lounge chairs that were scattered around the pool. Watching as Katie swam around the pool. The sun was starting to go down, so the sun wasn't so harsh. I debated getting in with her, but at the same time, I was pretty content.

Is getting up even possible?

I don't know. I don't want to know.

Something is bothering me though.


Nothing is ever this perfect. Ever. Not with Mistress, not back home. Never.

Just relax. Too many vodka cran's from Katie.

I took a small breath. I could hear the sound of something buzzing. But I didn't pay attention to it. Just watched as Katie sawm laps back and forth in the pool.

I am feeling a little buzzed...

More than buzzed. Way more than buzzed.

Hehe. yeah.

Suddenly a loud erupting noise, gunfire. Jack was shooting off his assault rifle, and someone was shooting back. With the sudden burst of adrenaline, my head was reeling. My eyes bouncing in every which way trying to identify the sudden threat.

Katie quickly scrambled to get out of the pool. Both Mistress and Jesse were nowhere to be seen.

By the time Katie was out of the pool though, Jack gave a thumbs up.

"Two inflatable military boats! Sank-"

Before jack could finish talking, an ice spike came up out of nowhere, hitting him square in the chest.


Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck

I tried to get up as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the first step I took, I stumbled to the ground. As I was trying to push myself up from the ground, a shadow hovered over me. I looked up to see who it was. 

"Eis." I breathed.

She was scratched up bad, but other than scratches....There were no other injuries.

How the fuck is this possible!? Mistress killed her!

Obviously not, she's right the fuck there!

"Did you miss me, sweetheart?"

I tried to run, but she grabbed me by the neck before I could runoff.

"I sure missed you." She laughed.

I could hear jack wheezing for air across the boat.

"Looks like Raven still doesn't know how to hire strong guards. Does she even really care about you?"

She didn't have a strong grip yet, but I didn't want to chance a broken neck.

Please please please...

Ashley, there is no use in begging.

Eis looked across at jack.

"Don't kill him." I managed to say, but barely. Her grip started to tighten, but just slightly.

"Then be a good girl. Come with me quietly." she said backing up, towards the edge of the boat. I went with her, no struggling. Not chancing anything. Not with her.

Within seconds we were sent flying off the ship and into the saltwater. I felt the knives of cold water immediately soak through my clothes. I was able to open my eyes underwater, looking up I saw a figure slowly sinking down with me.

Why didn't she take Katie? Why only us? Didn't she want us both?

I don't know.


I was gonna post this chapter a few days ago, but then I got high. La da da da da daaa (just kidding. finally got a new charger. )

I think I am going to end the book here just because it is getting to be so long, but don't worry! Just means it is getting a second book!

If you liked this one please be sure to follow me to know when the first chapter of the next book is up :)

All will be revealed in the next book! 

Captive by mistake. (Lesbian Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang