21 ...Understand?

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"Anyways! So! He lured me to Hiso-kun, hoping he would kill me, or I kill him—which is probably not gonna happen in a million years. I would've just passed Hiso-kun, but all around him were these cool butterflies, and I..."

୧( ⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ )૭

"...And that's 'bout it!"

"So, now you randomly teleport at random times?" Kurapika sounded disbelieving.

"It was like every 6 hours when it first started, but now, it's like, every four days." Kosai corrected, before pondering, "...Or at least that's what Nef told me."

"That's so cool, Kosai!" Gon beamed at Kosai, being the ever positive one. 

Kosai sighed, before wiping a fake tear from her eyes, "Sometimes...It hurts to be so cool~..."

"No, it just sounds inconvenient."

Kosai sighed again, drooping onto the floor.


"It is! I wanna sleep! I wanna eat! I wanna go get Killu-kun out of there! He owes me dinner! I want dinner!" Kosai suddenly started wailing, repeatedly hitting the ground with her fist.

Gon crouched down and pat her head, "There, there. Zebro-san can give you some food." He looked up at the old man observing them, "Right?"

He nodded.


Kosai clapped her hands together, and closed her eyes. She brought the hands up to her forehead.


She immediately grabbed the chopsticks and practically inhaled the food in front of her, and to Nef's relief, finally drank some water.

After a few bowls, she decided to slow down a bit, observing her friends. Leorio, Gon and Kurapika all had vests on, each one weighing fifty kilograms. According to Gon, this was training to help them open the front gate.

'It's understandable,' Nef started, observing the gate from afar, 'It seems even the first level of the gate weighs quite a few tons.'

"Didja' know that a whale can ea-"

'I don't care about your facts Kosai.'

"Well, that's just rude."

"Kosai?" Gon approached her before sitting down right next to her, "Who are you talking to?"

"Oh! Yeah!" Kosai set down her food, before picking up Nef and facing Gon, "Nef has superpowers now!"


"So y'know how I was super mad about Killu-kun leaving? And, like, I said some cool stuff and left ta' follow him? Right after that, Nef started talkin' to me! In my head!"

"Ohh!" Gon made a sound of realization, "But how? Even on whale island, no animal ever talked to me in my head."

"Nef and I, we're too special ya' see, so even the laws of the world don't apply."

Remember. Smile. [Hunter x Hunter FF]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt