12. No hard feelings, kay?

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The others looked at her in bewilderment.

"Hiya!" She chirped, "Whaddya' bettin'?"


"So...who won?" Kurapika looked around, "None of us were remotely close."

"I didn't expect her to jump in after two minutes!" Killua countered.

"We did take around 40 minutes to find our trapdoors." Gon added.

Kosai looked up at them, and located Killua.

"Nef!" She whispered, "Ya' gotta do it now!"

Nef looked to the side, trying to ignore her, but after relentless amounts of poking, he gave in.

'Yay! Plan 'Kick Killua's Butt Cuz He Tried Ta' Leave Us Behind' is now starting!'

She quickly put Nef down, dashed up to Killua, and....

"I'm saying I should win the bet becaus-"

...put him in a choke-hold.

"Hey! Ouch! Stop it!" He yelled, "Your arms feel like they're burning! Stop!"

"Why did ya' try ta' leave me behind?!"

"This is exactly why! I can't breathe!"

"Then, you should save 'yer breath, hm?"


The others sweat dropped, "It's been less than a minute since they've seen each other, and they're already getting into a fight?"

"Let them be. It'll distract Killua from the bet, I'm not giving him my money anytime ."


"At this door, select O to open, X not to open."

"Ow.." Killua rubbed the back of his recently burnt neck. Gon looked worried, while Kosai looked on with a pleased grin.

"Forcing us to use majority rule already?"

"The answer should be obvious..."

5 O  0 X

The door opened.

"Oo~ The door's really cool, I wonder how they made it?"

"Let's go."

"Which way do you want to go? O for right. X for left."

"Huh?!" Leorio yelled out, "Wh-Why would you choose to go right? Normally, you should go left..."

That is true.

"Studies have indicated that people who are lost or stuck at forks unconsciously tend to go left."

"Mm-hm~ About 67% would choose to go left."

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