4. I'm just better than you.

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Kosai stuck her tongue out.

"Pastafarianism rules."


"Didja' know that girls blink twice as much as boys do?" Kosai asked.

"Kosai." Killua drawled. "We've been listening to you telling us dumb, useless facts for the past hour. How the hell you know these things, I don't know... "

"..But please, for the love of God. Shut up."

"I know these things 'cuz I count!" Kosai grinned, completely ignoring what Killua said. "Y'know you've 13 blinked times within the last two minutes? Gon's blinked 11 times, and I've blinked 7."

Killua's eye twitched.

"First of all, Kosai. That's creepy." Killua commented "Do you count how many times we've inhaled, too?" 

Kosai opened her mouth. 

"Don't answer that.".

"Second of all, your statistics completely disprove what you literally just said!"

"And Gon!" Killua pointed accusingly at the black-haired boy, "Stop looking so interested in everything she's saying, it's not helping!"

Gon scratched the back of his neck, "You never know when you might need to know this stuff! Mito-san always says it's good to be prepared."

Killua looked positively exasperated "Gon.." he drawled "Please tell me when knowing that 'A snail can sleep for three years' will be useful at any point of our lives."

"So, you were listening!" Kosai grinned, smugly.

Killua looked ready to pounce on her any moment now.

"Look!" Gon called out, pointing in front of them, "There's lots of stairs!"

Kosai looked forward, just to see an insane amount of stairs.

"Ne~ Ne~ Killu-kun, Gon-kun" Kosai started, pointing to the top of the stairs. "Wanna race to see who finishes first?" She proposed, looking at the two boys.

"Sure!" Gon answered

"The loser has to buy the others dinner!" Killua added.

"I'm broke!" Kosai's grinned, "Can't buy anything!"

"You sound way too happy for that." Killua deadpanned, before getting ready for take-off "You're going to have to make some money, because I'm winning this thing."

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