19. That sounds familiar...

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"Why was he such an idiot?!"

"Like, seriously! I understand you've got brother issues, but what did that have anythin' ta' do with killing the old man!"

Kosai ranted to herself, as she hopped from rooftop to rooftop, the wind running through her tangled hair.

"And I liked the old man too..." Kosai pouted, dodging a chimney.

'With a kill count like yours, that's hypocritical.'


Kosai suddenly stopped her jump midway, falling face-first down into a dumpster.

She peeked her head up, slowly looking around, alert for any sign of motion, and flinching when a rat ran across the alleyway. Slowly, she climbed out of the dumpster, brushing a banana peel off the top of her head.

She looked from side to side, searching for any possible traces of people.

'Who was that?'

'How did you even stop mid-air?'

"Eep!" She jumped, trying to locate where the voice came from.

'That's weird...it sounds like it's coming from where I am...'

'That's probably because I'm inside your head.'

She squeaked, quickly picking up a sharp rock and aiming it at her head, "Who are ya' and whaddya' want? Answer, or I'll bash ya' with the rock."

'You'll die.'

"Oh, uh, right."

She dropped the rock, thinking of another way to threaten the voice in her head.

'Could you take me out of the bag? It gets stuffy in here.'

She widened her eyes. She frantically took off her backpack and grabbing a small fox out of it.



'What the f-'


Kosai went silent as she looked at the fox. She squinted her eyes at him before turning him around, closely checking his fur, his tail, his ears—just about everything, for a probable reason that the animal suddenly started talking. 

When she found none, she just shrugged.


'Please learn to question the situation more.'

Kosai grinned widely at the fox, "Who cares about logic when ya' got a magic monster creature thing!"

'That's offensive.'

" 'Yer not lookin' very offended."

'I'm a fox.'

"Are you sureeee?"

Nef sent the most deadpan expression he could manage, before sighing, 'Yes, Kosai, I'm sure that my species is that of a fox.'

"Whatever helps ya' sleep at night," Kosai pet him mockingly, before placing him on top of her head. She made sure he was secure up there before hopping on a pipe, then to the roof, "Ya' can explain later, 'kay? We got a Killu-kun ta' catch."

She sniffed the air, and inwardly cheered that the scent of blood didn't dissipate yet. Her nose was far more sensitive than the average person's, but it wasn't as good as Gon's and definitely not Nef's, so it was a huge help that he had blood splattered all over him when he left, it made it much easier to track.

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