15. Step Two, Determine My Hunter.

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Kosai smiled at him with the toxicity of a thousand snakes.

Killua bolted.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, congratulations on escaping Trick Tower." 

All the passed participants had come outside from the waiting room once the time ran out. They were standing right in front of Lippo—the third examiner—as he introduced the next phase.

"Only the fourth and final phase are left. The fourth phase will begin over there,"

Lippo pointed over his shoulder, to an island behind him, "On Zevil Island. Let's proceed."

He snapped his fingers, and another man brought a cart forward. On top of the cart was a box.

"I need all of you to draw lots."


"For what?"

"To determine who will hunt, and who will be hunted."

"There are twenty-four numbered cards in here. The numbers correspond with each participant's ID number." He explained, "Now, I need you each to draw a card, in the order in which you exited the tower."

"Will the first person come forward?"

Hisoka walked up to the box, while everyone stared at him.

'Woah~! So Hiso-kun...no, uh, Hisoka-san's the first one?'

Kosai looked on with sparkling eyes as Hisoka reached into the box and walked back to his original spot with a card now in his hands.

The next one walked up, and Kosai cocked her head sideways.

'Creepy purple needle guy was second?'

Then it was the Ninja.

Then it was the Archer.

And so on.

'There's no one going up?' Kosai looked around, 'Oh, it's my turn.'

She walked up to the box, reaching in and took out a random one, before walking back.

"Hey Killua." 


"He said something about hunting and being hunted, does that mean we'll be fighting each other?"

"Yeah, probably." Killua answered, as he passed Kosai on the way to get his own card.

Gon looked at Kosai, who was trying to balance her card on her nose.

She didn't seem to pay attention to where she was heading, as she bumped into another participant on the way, causing her card to drop to the ground.

The man she bumped into glared at her, before heading to the box to collect his own card.

Kosai rubbed her nose, "Owwie~"

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