5. I felt cool.

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He was shuffling cards, which was enough proof that he had thrown them at the imposter earlier.

"I see. I see~ ♥ " He hummed. "That settles it. You're the real one. ♦"


"Examiners are Hunters, selected by the committee to perform this duty without pay. " He explained, not giving a single glance to the man he had just killed, " Any hunter bearing the title we seek should have been able to block that attack."

"I shall take that as a compliment." Satotz said. "However, should you attack me again for any reason, I will report you for turning on an examiner and you will be immediately disqualified ."

Kosai was looking at the man in awe, 'He's so cool!'. She was about to dash towards him, only to be pulled back by Killua pulling her sweater.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kosai looked back and grinned "Didja' see how cool he was?!" She started, sparkling, pointing to the clown man.

"One second, the dead man over there was like 'I'm the actual Hunter!' and then the cool man over there was like 'No you're not.' and shot out those cool cards! It was sooo cool~. Plus, his hair's really pretty! Do ya' know if it's natural? What 'bout his face paint? Are they tattoos? And he looks really strong? Do ya' think he wou-"


"Yes? Killu-kun?"

He sighed, and muttered "..You are the single, most difficult part of this exam" 

"And I've known you for 5 hours."

Kosai grinned, and held up a peace sign with her right hand, slipped out of her sweater — which Killua was still holding on to — and ran off to meet the 'Cool man'.

Killua stared at her retreating back, and sighed again.

"Why is Kosai running to Hisoka?" Gon asked, petting Nef.

"She has a death wish," Killua answered, shoving Kosai's sweater onto Nef, who was in Gon's hands.

 "And if Hisoka doesn't grant it for her, I'll happily do it myself."

'I kinda didn't want to talk to him earlier, with the flower petal arms and all that. But the cards are just so neat! I wanna do that! I really really wanna do that!'

Kosai poked the Jester-like man in the arm, and looked up to meet his face.

"Ne~ What' your name?" She asked, as the man looked at her with a glint in his eyes.

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