14. Please select a path.

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"Monsters, huh?"

"They look more like kindergarteners to me."


From the arena, a new bridge extruded out into a doorway.

"Across the bridge, you will find a small room, " Lippo announced, "You will spend the 50 hours you've gambled there.

"Let's go."


Kosai quickly put on her backpack, "Wait a sec!"

The door opened, revealing a room with a timer in the middle, it was counting down from 49:59.

"Oh man..." Leorio walked to the couch, complaining, "We have to spend 50 fifty hours in this room?"

Kosai gave a strained smile, "And who's fault is that, Ojii-san?"

Leorio looked away, whistling.

"Well then," Killua started, "We have more than two whole days in."

"What do we do, Kosai?" Gon asked.

"Me?" Kosai pointed to herself, "Why me?"

"I don't know, you just seem like a person who hates being bored."

"Uh..." She pointed at the television, "Let's check if that works."

"Oh, yeah!"

They ran across the room.

"Man, you kids don't have a care in the world." Leorio complained.

Kosai started shaking the TV, "I don't think it's workin'."

"How do we turn it on anyways?"

"Don't look at me, I don't even know what's it's called."

Killua looked at the two idiots in horror, "You don't know what a TV is? Did you even have a childhood?"

Killua shoved them out of the way, as started to mess with the wires.

"Is it working?"

All of a sudden, the Tv turned on, Kosai dashed behind Gon since she had never encountered technology before.


Killua pulled the wires out, and started to tear them to shreds.

"Let's do something else, shall we?" He turned back at them, wearing a threatening eye-smile.

The other two didn't have the guts to refuse.



"Kosai, 3 down, 12 letters. No filled letters Furious."


"How the hell do you know that?"

"Killu-kun, aren't ya' just jealous ya' haven't gotten any right?" Kosai snickered.

"Of course not! Gon, give me another one!"

"Um. 78 down, 4 letters. The third letter is L. Musical fifths."

"Why would anyone know this stuff?!"

"It's Sols, Killu-kun. Gon-kun gave you a easy one too~"

Killua gritted his teeth, and snatched the book from Gon.

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