8. We have quite the selection this year.

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"Is that acceptable? I'm sure it will help the participants accept the results."

"That's true." Menchi said, regaining her confidence "In that case, the new challenge will be, boiled eggs!"


"Boiled eggs?" A lot of participants were confused, and murmuring started among the crowd.

"Chairman, can you take us to Mountain Split- in-half in your airship?" Menchi asked,

"Mt. Split-in-Half?" He questioned, before understanding dawned on him," I see what you're doing, certainly I can." The chairman answered, and got everyone on board the blimp.

Once there, lots of people headed to the giant crevice in the middle of the mountain, almost like it was split in half, hence the name. When Kosai looked down, there were hundreds of sturdy strings sticking from one wall to the other.

'It does look like the mountain is split in half, but Mt. Split-in-half is a really bad name.'

"Look down there." Menchi said, addressing the people who weren't already looking down.

"Wh-what is that?" Someone questioned, stuttering

"Spider eagle webs" Menchi answered simply.

"They build webs down there?" Gon asked, curious, then there came a sudden burst of wind, making some of the participants fall backwards.

"Look below the webs." Menchi ordered, Kosai squinted her eyes, seeing bundles of...eggs? 

"Those are spider eagle eggs." Yes, eggs.

"Spider eagle build their eggs in deep ravines, to protect their eggs from predators. This makes their eggs one of the most difficult ingredients to obtain. The eggs are also known as dream eggs." The chairman explained, from the back

Todo who heard this was in shock, he stumbled back a little, "W-wait a minute. You don't mean we.."

"I sure do." Menchi interjected, without even hearing the whole question.

She then divided into the ravine, ignoring the gasps of surprise from the others. and held on to a string of the web. She was staring intently at a cluster of eggs below her, while concentrating on the wind around her.

"Even if she gets an egg, how will she climb back up?" Leorio questioned, quietly, grasping the tense atmosphere.

Just a moment after Leorio's question, Menchi let go of the string, and fell straight down, grabbing an egg on the way.

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