13. Monsters, huh?

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She was grinning.

(ृʾ́꒳ʿ̀ ृ )ु

Kosai walked up to the body, and flipped him over.

She peeled the right hand off of his neck, revealing five claw marks there. She didn't pay much attention to that, as she placed two fingers on his wrist, feeling for his heartbeat.


There was none.

"Examiner-san!" She called out, looking right at the microscopic camera placed in the room.

That, and her performance from earlier left the examiner to start choking on the biscuits he was snacking on.

Kosai cocked her head at the camera, "Ya' okay? Got any water?"

The choking sounds slowly came to a stop, and she took it as a cue to continue.

"Prisoner-san's got no more pulse!" She chirped, "That means I win, right? Right?"




The scoreboard updated, and now it showed '1' above Gon and the others, while it showed '0' above the prisoner.

"Yay!" Kosai cheered, as she dumped Bendot's body into the abyss, "Ooh~ That really is deep! Even I can't see anything!~"

She slowly made her back up to her companions with a bounce in her step.

Leorio looked at her with an alarmed expression, while Kurapika looked quite calculative.

"Wah~ You were super amazing, Kosai!"

Kosai stationed her arms on her waist, "'Course! I'm amazing!"

"You could've finished that fight in less than a minute, if you actually tried."

"Killu-kuun!" Kosai whined, "I went and killed prisoner when ya' told me to, and 'yer still disappointed? Whaddya' want me ta' do?!"

"Maybe if made an effort from the beginning, I would have been satisfied."

"Why don't you do it then!"

"I will!"



They both huffed and turned around, backs facing each other.

Gon tried to calm them down for the next few minutes.


"That little girl is a monster."

One of the prisoners on the other side allowed.

"It's a good thing she went first."

Another one agreed.

"Now, we don't have to worry about another one. We just have to win two matches out of the next three, and Joseph'll handle the last one for us."

The others nodded, and a scrawny looking-man took off his cloak, stepping forward, proclaiming that he'll be the next opponent.

( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)

"Good job, Kosai." Kurapika complimented the girl now holding a small fox in her hands.

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