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For those who have already read 'Harmony of Love & Hate' or 'Love Me Not'  which is Andrew and Andrea's story (supporting character in I Got Caught) this is actually the same story.  Promise this is the final title.  😜

This is a revised version . . . same story flow but some chapters are edited, some are deleted and there are also new context / chapters. You can read this without reading IGC.

You can still find many errors thou, most probably those parts are not edited or proofread because of my laziness. Lol, please bear with me.  


I'm not actually good at writing but my mind is full of made up stories so I created my Wattpad account years ago and I just came back after years also. HAHAHA :) 

Majority of my previous readers enjoyed my short stories / one shots, so you might consider as well. ;) 

If by ChanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon