Adventures of Zaofu

Start from the beginning

Kya finished her conversation with Pema in the kitchen before breaking off to the dining room, where a many people already sat, engaged in animated chatter. She took a seat next to Lin, definitely on purpose. Lin was engaged in conversation with her sister, it sounded serious, so Kya didn't interrupt. Sadly this meant she wouldn't get to talk to Lin until the food was on the table.
"So Lin," Kya started, "is Republic city keeping you busy?"
"Oh well, you know. Not as busy as before but the quiet, the peace, it's kind of nice." Kya smiled and Lin returned the smile.
"What about you, hows the South Pole been?" Before Kya could answer Katara answered from the end of the table.
"Kya's been especially bored, and a pain in my ass. I can't get her to leave, maybe a pretty girl like you can get her to stay here." Kya's jaw dropped and she stared at her mom in horror.
"Mom! What the hell?"
"Language!" Tenzin shouted, but he was ignored.
"What? You clearly aren't happy there anymore sweetie, I'm just doing what's best for you." Kya felt blood rush to her cheeks, and she regretted not being able to blood bend and make it go away. Beside her should feel Lin's body harden, any hint of relaxation gone.
"I think I can make that decision on my own Mom!" Kya yelled. "Besides, someone needs to take care of you!" Katara sighed and put some peas on her plate.
"I have an entire tribe looking out for me, Korra's parents are very thoughtful. And Zuko stops by more often now-"
"Um what?" Tenzin added, again being ignored.
"-and of course your father. His spirit may not be bonded with the avatar anymore buts it bonded with me." Kya notice Korra sink a little in her seat, and Tezin looked at them, unable to conceive the idea that Zuko made frequent trips to the pole via dragon back.
"Fine!" Kya shouted. "I'm sorry I wanted to take care of you. I'll stay away from you from now."
"Good, I'll see you at my funeral." Tenzin's jaw dropped and Bumi began to choke on his food after laughing with it in his mouth.
"Mom!" Kya yelled.
"I'm sorry. But it was funny though. You're mom would have thought so," Katara added, gesturing to Lin and Su.
"Oh I will make an effort to retell this whole dinner to her," Su said, a wide grin on her face. Kya folded her arms on the table and collapsed her head into them. She hadn't notice Lin prodding her, and the normalcy of the dinner chatter until the scent of shepherd's pie washed over her.
"What? Oh sorry," she said to Lin, gathering herself as she straightened her posture.
"Can I talk to you later, outside?" Kya was taken a back slightly, was this about what her mother had said?
"Um yeah, for sure."
"Great, I know you like Shepherds pie so join me outside when you're done." Kya nodded and waited until Lin was gone to dig in.

Kya walked out the doors of the temple, she hadn't noticed she was warm until the cool sea breeze ruffled her hair. She could see Lin standing at the far end, and Kya felt her heart drop a bit when she saw Su standing beside her.
"Hi," she said as she walked up.
"Kya," Su started, "I understand that you're not going back to the South Pole...." Su paused in case Kya had any objections, "and I need you're help. Bataar, he's sick. Really sick for the past couple weeks and he needs a healer. A proper healer. I was going to ask Katara but Lin said you're the real deal. Will you please come back to Zaofu with us?" Us? Kya figures if the 'us' didn't include Lin, this would still be a good way to get in closer to Lin, and besides, she had nothing else to do.
"I would love too. I've never seen Zaofu, despite all my travels, and I wouldn't mind seeing the city. After we help Bataar of course. Su smiled and wrapped Kya in a hug.
"Thank you so much. We leave tomorrow afternoon, I hope that's not to soon for you.
"No that's fine, I'm still packed from the trip here." Su pulled Kya into one more hug before speeding back into the temple. When she was gone, Kya and Lin stood in silence for a moment.
"Thank you for doing this," Lin said awkwardly.
"No problem."
"Well I should go-"
Lin stopped and turned to face Kya. Kya felt her heart rate increase, and she took a large breath to stabilize herself. "About what my mom said... um, I didn't know if you knew but um... in a lesbian." Lin smiled lightly and stepped closer to Kya.
"I got that from the context. But also, I got that from knowing you. You're a pretty open book, especially when you're drunk." Kya laughed and resisted the urge to hug Lin.
"Thanks, um you can tell Su. If you need to, or whatever. I'm good about it."
"You can tell her yourself when we leave for Zaofu tomorrow." We.
"Sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Good night Kya."
"Good night Lin."

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWWhere stories live. Discover now