His Last Vow Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Those who speak of what they know find too late that silence is wise." He quoted ominously and I rolled my eyes.

"Is that a threat Mr. Magnussen?" I asked, unamused.

"Simply a reminder." He smirked, walking past me, brushing his hand under my chin to lift my head until our eyes met. I pulled away from his touch, wondering how much trouble I'd get into if my hand just accidentally found its way into a fist and completely on accident, rammed into his face.

"No, I do not." I shook my head, and the meeting adjourned.

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I came home in a sour mood, dealing with Magnussen had that effect on everyone. Sherlock could tell something was wrong when I walked in the door. My head was slumped, I was quiet and didn't say anything as I slipped off my coat and hung it on the rack.

"Bad day?" Sherlock asked, looking up from his laptop as he sat in his chair.

"You could say that." I huffed, that was an understatement. I turned back to Sherlock as he tilted his head at me.

"What happened?" He asked, curiously.

I simply shook my head. I couldn't just say that the man that was blackmailing me was under investigation for influencing government officials and was going to walk away scott free with my help. Nope, that wouldn't go over well.

He placed his laptop onto the ground and motioned for me to come to him with his fingers. I slipped off my heels and sauntered over to him. I sat on the arm of his chair, draping my legs over his lap. He rubbed his hand up my arm comfortingly, before leaning in to kiss me. He knew not to press any further when it came to my work. There were some things I couldn't tell him, he understood that. I smiled after he kissed me, almost instantly forgetting about my horrible day.

"Have you found a case yet?" I asked as he slipped his arm around my back to hold me in place. I knew he's been desperate for one.

"Nothing substantial," He shook his head with a frown, I stroked his cheek with a sad smile.

"Something will come up soon, it has to," I tried to reassure him.

"Come on, how about I make us some dinner." I hopped up off his lap and started to make my way towards the kitchen.

"Marriage has made you domestic," He chuckled, getting up from his chair. I stopped and turned around, feigning offense.

"For that comment, you're making dinner," I pointed at him with a smirk, he raised his hands in defeat, laughing.

For once the kitchen didn't look like a complete disaster. I grabbed a few things from the fridge and helped Sherlock prep dinner. The two of us moved like a well oiled machine, communicating without words. Sherlock playfully splashed me with water from the sink as I laughed and planned my counter attack.

I knew things were too good to be true. I knew the universe wouldn't let the two of us be happy for too long.

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A week later Sherlock walked into the flat as I was curled up in his chair with a book on a rare day off. I nearly hadn't heard him come in, he took the stairs so slowly. I smiled and greeted him once he'd entered through the door, his silence clued me in that something was wrong.

"Adelaide..." Sherlock said, his tone was serious.

"What is it?" I asked, closing your book. Clearly something was up, I could tell that he was struggling with his words, and that worried me.

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