A Scandal in Belgravia Part 6

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When I left the abandoned factory I went immediately to Baker Street. I needed to know how much Sherlock had heard. When I got to the door there was a piece of paper slipped under the knocker. It read 'Crime in progress. Please disturb'. I pushed the door open and rushed up the stairs.

"What's going on?" I asked as I walked in the door. I turned my head and saw my uncle Ryan tied to a chair with duct tape over his mouth and blood on his face.

"Mrs. Hudson's been attacked by an American, I'm restoring balance to the universe." Sherlock said, probably not realising that I too was an American. Sherlock was on the phone and pointing a gun at my uncle. I rushed to Mrs. Hudson who was sitting on the couch. I noticed a cut on her cheek where she was clearly punched.

"Are you alright?" I asked, hugging her as she cried.

"This is a new low, even for you." I growled at my uncle.

"Take her downstairs and look after her." Sherlock instructed me. I got up began walking through the door.

"Sherlock um, what Irene said..." I began.

"That's not something I really want to talk about right now Adelaide, because if we do I will murder this man." Sherlock said, standing above my uncle still pointing the gun at him. I only nodded and followed Mrs. Hudson downstairs.

I got some disinfectant on a cotton ball and began lightly dabbing it on Mrs. Hudson's cut.

"Oh, it stings." She whispered. There was a sudden crash outside of the window.

"Oh, that was right on my bins." Mrs. Hudson said, Sherlock had thrown my uncle out of the window.

Later Lestrade showed up and an ambulance took my uncle away.

"Exactly how many times did he fall out of the window?" I heard Lestrade ask Sherlock.

"Exactly how many times did he fall out of the window?" I heard Lestrade ask Sherlock

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"It's all a bit of a blur Detective Inspector. I lost count." Sherlock said. "Trust me, you would have done the same thing knowing what I know."

I followed Mrs. Hudson back into the kitchen of her flat where John was now. John was insisting that she needed to stay in their flat so he could keep an eye on her, while she and Sherlock insisted she was fine.

"She's got to take some time away from Baker Street. She can go stay with her sister. Doctor's orders." John said as Sherlock rummaged through her fridge.

"Don't be absurd." Sherlock said, eating a stolen biscuit.

"She's in shock, for God's sake, all over some bloody stupid camera-phone." John said.

"Where is it, anyway?" I asked.

"Safest place I know." Sherlock said casually, looking to Mrs. Hudson.

"You left it in the pocket of your second-best dressing gown, you clot!" Mrs. Hudson said, pulling it out of her shirt. "I managed to sneak it out when they thought I was having a cry."

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