Chapter 18 - Gray

Start from the beginning

"Lady Serena!", he heard Sebastian say indignantly behind her, shocked at her choice of words, but Serena didn't care. Somehow she would come to terms with the fact that she hadn't been able to savor her revenge, but she wouldn't be able to put up with the fact that she had been robbed of another chance at a clue about Hyder.

"Oh leave me alone!", she hissed over her shoulder. The last thing she needed now was a demon worried about her linguistic expressiveness.

Once again she kicked the lifeless body on the ground angrily so that she could somehow cope with her feelings before Serena suddenly froze in her movement. Slowly she turned her head back to Sebastian and looked at him.

"Tell me ... if a person has died here ...", she started the sentence and Sebastian raised an eyebrow knowingly.

"... then there should actually be a Shinigami here.", he finished her sentence. Briefly Serena's heart leapt, because it felt almost like it did when they understood each other without a word and had been a well-rehearsed team. But thoughts of it didn't belong here, she thought quickly.

A shinigami had turned up for Fiaid after a short time. Serena shuddered briefly at the memory of Grell Sutcliff. Should she meet such a being again today, she hoped fervently that it wasn't that pushy redhead again.

"Obviously things can't go fast enough for today's young people.", suddenly came a somewhat rough and slightly wavering voice.

In a flash, Serena turned around again and at the end of the small room, directly opposite her, a person was leaning against a wooden chest of drawers. Confused, Serena stared at the person opposite who had definitely not been there a few seconds ago.

It was a tall, slender man in a dark gray suit. This, however, was largely covered by a long and sweeping night-black coat that he wore over it. It looked like this coat was a bit too big, because it had funny folds and dragged in a few places on the floor. The most striking thing about the man, however, was his hair. Shoulder-length, tousled gray hair adorned his head, stubbornly sticking out in all directions. Either his hair was hard to control or he hadn't combed it for at least a month, Serena guessed at the sight of it.

Across his face was a delicate pink scar that stretched from his right eye to his left ear. Despite the frail sounding voice and the disheveled gray hair, the man's face still looked quite young. On his nose were narrow, dark gray glasses , which he pushed back a little with narrow fingers.

With green and piercing eyes, he looked directly at Serena and seemed to look straight into her soul with his gaze. For a brief moment she was paralyzed and could not move, because this man looked at her too intently, too rigidly. But Serena knew immediately that the person she was talking to was not a human. The other Shinigami, Grell Sutcliff, had exactly those green eyes.

Even if Serena was secretly relieved that she wouldn't have the fun with the redhead this time, she couldn't get rid of the thought that this Shinigami didn't seem to be completely normal either. In any case, his eyes sent a huge shiver down her spine.

"We can't always be there immediately everywhere. After all, we also have other things to do.", the Shinigami now spoke in a scratchy voice and slowly started to move towards the body.

That finally released Serena from her stupor and involuntarily she took a step back, closer to Sebastian. Even if she didn't get on very well with him at the moment, being close to him gave her a certain sense of security.

"What happened here?", she heard Sebastian's voice say very close behind her. He sounded very distant and suspicious, if not dismissive, Serena thought. However, it was probably in the nature of demons and shinigamis not to get along very well.

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