Catching up with mum

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Chapter 19: Catching up with mum

Alex P.O.V

After last night I couldn't sleep or eat. Elyas was dead. The great dragon conqueror was dead. My friend was dead. I left and got the gang together and Alexandra

"Hey guys how are you going with all this?" I asked my friend who all looked upset

"I shouldn't of been mean to him I'm such a jerk" Joshua said and started crying

"And why are you to so happy?" I asked the twins who were just standing there

"Oh we never cry its who we are" they said at the same time

"Hey remember when Elyas called us the worlds best twins?" Daniel asked Vanessa

"Yeah and when he said we were useful" Vanessa said to Daniel

"And when he said that we were genius's when we solved that dragon fight but now no one will say that to us" they both said and started crying and hugged each other.

Alexandra looked really bad so I told her to come with me

"Okay what's wrong?" I asked her thinking I already know the answer

"Its just I hurt Elyas and I didn't mean to and now he's gone and I don't think I can live with that" she told me and started crying

I gave her a hug and she wouldn't stop so I told her to go home and rest up. She left and the gang came over to me. We all left to go to the cove so we could be in Elyas' favourite place in all of Berk.

(1 month later)

Elyas P.O.V

Darkstorm has been training me everyday. I learnt how to be light on my feet and I can run much faster. The monstrous nightmares have helped me with shield practice. They would shoot and I would have to block quickly. I met a whispering death that taught me to listen to my surroundings carefully. He also taught me to hear from far away so I know if danger approaches me.

"Hey bud wanna go for our night flight?" I ask my best friend

"Oh finally I've been waiting all day" he said giving me a gummy smile

We went into the air and we decided to do a stunt because its been way to long

"You ready bud?" I ask

"More than ready" he says back

I undo the safety harness and put Darkstorms tail into automatic mode. I then slide off his back and plummet to the ground. I open my suit and glide above the island dodging Darkstorms plasma blasts. Then I saw a sea stack coming my way

"Darkstorm!" I call for help scared

"I'm on it" he struggles but gets to me and I go on his back as we fall

We glide above the clouds for a while just relaxing enjoying the time we have from training

"Woooohoooooo!" I shout because I feel so free

Darkstorm starts growling and a staff appears out of the clouds. Its starts getting longer then revealing a person on a Stormcutter. It stopped in front of us and we just hovered in front of each other. Then out of no where a Hobble grunt came and pulled m off of Darkstorm

"Darkstorm" I yelled to my dragon who fell to the ocean below

The dragon flew away and the Stormcutter and its rider were in front guiding the way

"Hey you we have to go back to my dragon, he can't fly without please" I begged the rider but they ignored me

We flew over ice and under rocks until we reached a massive ice sanctuary. We went inside and the dragon dropped me in the middle of at least sixty different dragons. They started hissing at me thinking I'm an intruder. I grabbed my trusty inferno and waved it around calming them down a bit. Then the flame died out so I spun in a circle releasing Zippleback gas around myself then lighting it with a spark. It exploded and the dragons all calmed down. I let my hand out to bond with the dragon and it pushed its head against my hand. Then the person who took my came closer to me and waved their staff around which made a weird sound. Two dragons brang over Darkstorm and lied him down. He got up and licked my face

"Hey bud are you alright you really had me worried there" I told him while hugging his neck

The abductor came close and Darkstorm wrapped his tail around me for protection. They came closer and waved it in front of Darkstorm and he rolled over knocked out happily growling.
I thought I was the only one who could do that to dragons I thought

The person came closer and put their hand in front me and stopped when they saw my tiny scar I have under my left eye.

They gasped " that really you?"

"Uh last time I checked yes but do I know you?" I was really confused right now

"Wow I really thought I wouldn't see you or your father again but things do change" she says whispering

"What are you talking about may I ask?" I was getting annoyed now

She takes off her helmet that was connecting to her armour that looked like a dragon kind of

"You were only a baby but a mother never forgets her son" I gasp now shocked my mother was alive

"Come" is all she says so I follow her through a rock maze in the sanctuary

"Wait a minute your my you grasp how crazy that sounds...they said you were dead....everyone thought you died in a storm out a sea..." I stopped when she reached the end of the maze revealing a gigantic dragon nesting ground. Darkstorm growled behind me looking at my mother

"This where you have been for twenty years?" She just nods at me

"Wow" is all I can say

"Your not upset are you?" She asks

"What-uhh I don't know how to feel its a bit much to be frank" I say slightly confused on how to feel

After that we just talked and she showed me a bewilderbeast the king of all dragons. When she went to get us some food I talked to the king dragon about some stuff and when she came back she asked if Darkstorm was hungry and he nodded. So we flew out to the middle of the ocean and the king dragon burst through the water shooting fish up into the air. All the dragons from the nest where here and they were flying and catching them in their mouths. I told darkstorm to join and he dived and ended up with a whole mouth of fish. Me and mum left the group of dragons and flew with each she stood of Cloudjumper her dragon, the storm cutter and said

"This Elyas is what it is to be a dragon" and she looks at me with her arms out wide like wings

I smirked and said "its all well and good to call yourself a dragon but can you fly?" I loved Darkstorm tail and jumped off opening my suit and glided beside her.

After that she wouldn't stop talking about my suit. I ended up moving in with her. I continued training everyday and studying the chief book every night.

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