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Chapter 15: Reunion

Darkstorm and I flew towards Outcast island. With all the modifications to darkstorms tail we were flying ridiculously fast. It was 12:21 in the morning and it was really dark. My new black armour camouflaged very well in the dark. I couldn't see any part of my body. After a few minutes more we landed outside the outcasts battle arena. I started going through cells in the arena trying to find Alexandra. I released all the dragons that I came across. I got to the last cell and it was guarded by to really buff men.

"Hey you guard come here quick" I whispered so only one guard to hear me.

He came around the corner and Darkstorm shot him with a plasma blast. The other came around and I smacked him in the back of the head. I opened the cell door and what I saw was horrible.

"Alexandra are you ok. Who did this to you?" I asked my girlfriend who was all scratched and bruised up her arms and legs.

"R-r-r-ricco". Was all she could get out before she passed out from exhaustion.

I layer her down nice and comfy on Darkstorms back. I was enraged at what Ricco did to her. When I find him I'm going to kill him he has done to much now. I walked around a few corners and I found light up ahead. Darkstorm lead the way and it was a big arena with five dragons all around staring at me. Darkstorm growled and put his tail around me for protection.

"Easy bud I don't want to hurt the dragons. Protect Alexandra and I'll stop them okay". He gave me a gummy smile and walked back a bit.

I turned to the dragons oh boy I really hope this works. There was a Monstrous Nightmare, Windwisp, Scuttleclaw, Quickchanger and Hotburple. I pulled out my inferno and waved the flame blade around myself a few times. I then put the blade back in because the flame was dying out and I spread some Zippleback gas around myself. After I lit it the gas exploded around me and the dragons all approached me.

"Hey there fellas how are you guys. I'm not going to hurt you I'm going to help you get out of here okay". They all growled happily and stood by my side.

" Well well well I see you trained my dragons very impressive ". I looked up to where the sound came from and Ricco stood there with four guards and Romeo with him.

I looked at Darkstorm and he nodded. " If you really are the great 'Dragon Conqueror' let's see you train this". Ricco shouted to me in an annoying yet evil voice.

He pulled a lever connected to a door and out came a Whispering Death. It circled me and I signalled Darkstorm. He shot his most powerful plasma blast at Ricco and he smashed into the wall and didn't move afterwards.

"Good job buddy. Okay guys all of you protect Alexandra from any guards that come and I'll train all the dragons they bring out". They all nodded and we did our jobs.

Guards flooded in and the dragons shot them with powerful blasts from their mouths. I was spraying gas around attracting all the dragons towards me. Once I got the trust they joined the other dragons and fought off guards. Finally all the guards stopped coming and we all had a rest. Then all of a sudden a guard snuck to the door and released a black Thunderdrum.

Oh man come on do I ever get to rest these days. The dragons all shot at the guard and he died instantly. Then they all came towards me and Darkstorm stood in front of me. He growled really loudly and his back went blue and his tail went blue as well. He started shooting at the Thunderdrum and after five good shots to the face it fled to Thor knows where. Darkstorm turned to me and gave me his famous gummy smile.

"You never cease to amaze me bud thank you".

I was flying home along with all the dragons I tamed when I was at that horrible island. Alexandra was still unconscious but other than that she was fine. I had already cleaned her wounds up and she was lying on the back of a Stormcutter.

Finally Berk was in sight and we all flew a little faster so I could get Alex home. We landed at my house and I put her in my bed and I slept on the floor. Judging from the look of her she was going to wake up tomorrow. I told all the dragons I tamed they could sleep on the front yard and Darkstorm slept inside. After a few minutes I fell into a deep yet peaceful sleep.

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