Bad memories

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Chapter 14: Bad memories

I looked up and saw someone I didn't expect. I saw Ricco.

"Brother I guess you understand why I'm here yes?" He said in a annoying voice.

"I told you this so many times Ricco. I'm not your brother were not even related. Also you are not taking darkstorm and shocker". I yell at him.

Ricco went to my high school but when I defeated the red death he got obsessed with night fury and skrill species. I told him he couldn't have a night fury because darkstorm was the last one and he would have to find a skrill himself because they are extremely rare. So from that day on he has wanted to kill Darkstorm, shocker, Damo and me.

"I will have them Elyas don't worry". He says while running at me.

I pull out Inferno and we have a sword duel. I was about to knock him down when his cousin Romeo tackled me from behind. Ricco raised his sword while Romeo held me still. He swung it and the sword shattered before it could hit me. My best friend had shot his sword before it reached me. Darkstorm then shot a plasma blast at Romeo and he hit the wall really hard. I turned to Ricco and shocker came and gave him a zap to the back. Ricco ran back to his boat and sailed off. Then everything blacked out.

I woke up and looked around. I wasn't in my house. Then in came one of the village elder called Muzzie. She started writing things in the sand because she is mute. She draws pictures of my fight and shows when darkstorm shot his plasma blast Romeo stuck a knife in my waist. I didn't even feel it though.

I asked "am I going to be alright". She nodded and gave me this green stuff that tasted disgusting. But I instantly felt better. I asked if I could stand and walk and she said I could but no more fights. I smiled and thanked her while leaving the house. Darkstorm was waiting for me outside.

"Hey bud wanna go to the others?" He gave me a gummy smile and I hopped on and flew to the great hall. Everyone was there crying.

"Guys what's wrong?" I ask very curious.

"Elyas your awake we have bad news". Vanessa was sad while saying this.

I gulped and said " what happened?"

"Alexandra got kidnapped by Ricco". Damo told me while patting my back.

I got really angry and stormed out. I'm getting her back and I'm gonna kill Ricco.

It was now night.

" Hey bud let's go get ready to ambush outcast island". That is where Ricco and all he people that follow him live.

"Look bud a new connecting rod which is lighter but stronger and more flexible". I attach all the new parts to darkstorm including a lighter saddle.

I started making my armour more stronger and lighter so I can move away from people with ease. I made a new chest piece and shoulder pads with darkstorms scales that fell off earlier this week.

"Alright bud let's test it all out". He let's out a little roar and smiles.

We walk outside and he takes off with ridiculous speed. We practice flips and sharp turns and even taught darkstorm a new plasma blast. It wipes out nearly half a forest. We do a little solo flying and I practice landing without darkstorm. I go back home and grab the 'inferno mark 2' as I like to call it. Its an axe that can set alight and can also spread gas and so on. I check the time and its 11:23 so I decide to ambush tonight. I changed the tail wing fabric from red to black so we can't be seen in the night sky. I hop on darkstorm and fly off to outcast island fully prepared. We are fully camouflaged because my armour is a black colour, my helmets black and my shields black.

I'm coming for you Ricco.

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