The day that started it all!

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My name is Elyas O'brien. I know great name, I don't know why my parents called me that but I'm kinda used to it now so yeah. I'm classified as a nerdy child but I'm one of the strongest guys in my grade. Being smart and creative doesn't get you far in school sadly. If only life was that simple. Anyway this is my story on how I became known in school and soon the hero of the world.

Chapter 1: The day that started it all!

It was a normal boring sunny day. I woke up in my bed (although it looks soft it is actually really hard) cracking my back and neck. I done my daily weights and got dressed in my baggy school clothes. My uniform is the worst colour wise grey, blue and black. Not so good but I guess the hats alright even though nobody wears them. I packed my bag and ate some breakfast talking to my brother about his upcoming award ceremony. I'm the oldest which means most responsible, well in my dads eyes I have to be anyway. As my dad drove me to school I thought about what I could build in my spare time. As usual nothing came to mind...

As well pulled up I got out and slammed the door and got scolded by my father in front of some guys in my year. I'm never gonna hear the end of that. I walked into the school grounds and a guy that looked like a year 10 came my way and asked me

"what's the best thing about school"?, but before I could answer he pushed me over a person that snuck behind me and I fell into the mud. They ran off calling all people over to look at me.

I quickly got up and dashed off towards the office to get new clothes.

"May I have some new clothes please I fell into the mud and got dirty" is what I said to the office lady that stood before me. She looked to me and just sighed

"this is the second time this week come with me". We walked into a back room where she got me out some clothes that were a nice slim fit. I have to say I looked good in them.

I walked out of the office with the sun blinding my sight. Sadly I'm a nerd in school so I'm treated with disrespect but thats only karma seeing I used to bully nerds when I was younger. Anyway I walked through as people pushed me around a bit. I muttered "someday they will see my in a different light.... hopefully". I walked to my roll call room and sat inside waiting for period one. As I waited I got out my book and thought about what I could make this weekend, a helmet, shield sword... thats it a sword but it can't be a regular sword or it'll be pointless. I have to think of something else to add to it. I drew up some plans and went through the day making plans for a helmet and a shield that could open to be a cross bow.

I went home and called my dad over and asked him can we go to bunnings now that its open and get some supplies because I wanna make a few things. He just nodded and grabbed the keys. He is very understanding when it comes to me making things which is really cool. As we pulled up I ran into bunnings and started grabbing the things I needed. Some wood shaped in a circle 40 x 40, a metal rod with a hole through the middle, metal shaped like a handle that has a gap through the middle, and a tank of gas that will power the sword. I went home to the back shed where my desk was full of drawings for future creations of mine. I put all the material I had just bought on the desk and lay them out orderly thinking what to make first.

After some time thinking five or so seconds I decided on making the shield because it was easiest. I lay the wood down and started sketching lines around and sawing the wood open and reattaching the parts so it could open by the click of a button in the middle of the shield that looked like half a metal ball. I attached the elastic rope for the slingshot and tested it out grabbing an already made water bomb. I pulled the rope back and it shot the balloon about two hundred metres away. I looked at it satisfied and walked back into the shed attaching metal plates around the shield to make it stronger.

I looked at the time and saw it was 10:13 so I just decided to have an all nighter and make the helmet and sword. I started with the helmet which was easy all I did was cut a block of wood with a wood designer. (It is a machine that my dad bought me because my dream is to become a carpenter). Then I gave the mask a leather coating and put in some holes that i could breathe through and some eye holes and gave it a leather backing so it fit my whole head looked like a burglar mask but better.

I then started making the sword wearing my new mask for face protection. I grabbed the metal tube which is to become the sword handle and wrapped some leather tightly around it making it better to grip. I then made a plug for one side of the handle and put the metal rod through the other side making it look like a sword with a big hole through the blade. I then added some more details so it could close and bring the blade back into the handle and pop back out when I pushed a button next to it. The only thing about the sword now was that it could go in and out kind of like a light saber but I put another button that made a spark with flint and filled the sword with gas that takes a long time to burn fully so it leaves a flame.

I had finally done it I made a sword that could set aflame.

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