The queen and a new beginning

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Chapter 10: The queen and a new beginning

Today me and darkstorm slept in until 10 o'clock. We got up and went for a morning flight. The gang caught up and we soared through the clouds. Damo finished the saddle and was riding next to Vanessa.

Me and Alexandra giggled and kept talking. All of a sudden our dragons dived down. We were flying through fog and I had a feeling we were headed to that island again.

I yelled "hold on tight" as we dodged rocks and other dragons. When we were clear of the fog we landed on the pebble beach.

We could see all the dragons went inside the mountain. I saw a monstrous nightmare tail slip into hiding. Our dragons growled and stood in front of us when the ground suddenly started shaking. I told everyone to get in the air now. They obeyed when the massive red death me and Alexandra saw before came smashing through the mountain. It looked at us and growled loudly making us cover our ears.

It shot a blast of fire towards us and we all flew to dodge it. We started flying above the red death and I gave orders

"Daniel, Vanessa make him mad see if he has a shot limit. Alex, Alexandra, Joshua make some noise and keep it confused and Damo shoot at his eyes. I'll be back as soon as I can".

Joshua screamed back " its alright I got you covered".

With that they went to do their jobs while I went to go check on the wild dragons. Some of them had wings stuck under rocks and others completely covered. Me and darkstorm helped them and got them to a safe part of the island where the red death wouldn't come to.

As I got back to the fight everyone had been knocked to the ground and the dragons were too tired to go on. I patted darkstorm and told him it was only me and him now.

I flew toward the red death while everyone cheered "ELYAS, ELYAS". Me and darkstorm swooped into the air towards the clouds.

"That thing has wings, okay let's see if it can use them". Me and darkstorm flipped and dived towards the red death and shot a plasma blast.

The death fell onto its side as we turned around. It opened its wings and started to fly after us.

"Well it can fly alright". The death started crashing through rocks to get us. "Okay bud time for us to disappear".

We went up to the clouds and hid behind clouds shooting at the deaths wings. It then shot a blast that went through all the clouds and hit darkstorms fake tail.

"Okay time's up let's see if this works" We dived and I started asking the death if that was all it got to taunt it. He dived after us and as we were approaching the land the death charged a blast.

I shouted "NOW" and darkstorm shot a blast in the deaths mouth making it ignite on the inside. Darkstorm opened his wings and flew past the deaths mouth. The death collided with the ground and blew to pieces. We flew back up its back as the Red death was exploding but we hit the deaths tail and I fell off darkstorm. He angled himself and got to me wrapping himself in his wings. After that everything went black.

I woke up in my bed at Berk with darkstorm lying on the ground next to me.

"Hey bud how you going". He got up and started licking my face. Then hit me in the place where the sun don't shine.

I got up heavily breathing and made my way outside. "Elyas is up alright come on let's go".

I saw Joshua fly past on firefly and then everyone else. I came outside and everyone from school were playing with wild dragons. Mr Fornten came to me and said

"you kept this from everyone to protect your best friend. Turns out we all needed something like this". He says gesturing all of me. I smiled as everyone says "Elyas is home".

I saw the gang head my way. Surprisingly Josh and Vanessa were holding hands. They all gave me hugs and Alexandra finally came to me.

"You scared me being asleep for 5 days" she said while clicking a button popping out my back wing on my suit. "Very funny, come here" I said and kissed her. She blushed and darkstorm came to me knocking over people a few people. I laughed and got on him.

This is Berk,

No one has lived here for a long time,

Granted it may not look like much but this islands has a secret,

Where some places have dogs or cats,

We have....our dragons.

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