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Chapter 12: Snoggletog

We decided to head back to the village and finish off the Snoggletog preparations.

"Elyas are you and the guys still gonna sing in front of village?" asked Alexandra.

"You bet we are, why would I not its going to be awesome." We flew and started talking about things we would do at Snoggletog.

Finally once we arrived at bed we went our separate ways and started getting ready because it was the next night. I went to the Meade hall and put up some decorations on the walls. After about a hour of cleaning and decorating I went out to find the boys so we could practice our song. It only took about five minutes until I found all of them, so we went to Daniels house so we could practice.

--------time skip---------

Alright we are done with the practice and I just realised something.

"Hey guys do we have dates to Snoggletog?" I asked the other guys.

"Oh man I completely forgot because of the song" said Damo. I started thinking of a plan when suddenly Josh shouts

"I call dibs on Vanessa". We look at him like 'what the hell was that'. I told them I'd ask Alexandra and they agreed.

" What about me, Alex and Damo?" Asked Daniel.

"There will be lots of single girls coming from other tribes so ask one of them okay" I told them in a calm tone so they would calm down.

So I made a plan to ask Alexandra out to Snoggletog. I would go to her place and see if she wanted to go to the cove where she first rode on darkstorm. Only darkstorm isn't here along with all the dragons. They left so they could lay there eggs so Berk wouldn't get destroyed. Anyway once are at the cove I'll have a picnic set up and we will just talk about some stuff. Then I'd just randomly ask her if she wanted to go to Snoggletog with me. Okay go time. I walked up to her house and knocked breathing in deeply. She opened and said

"oh hey Elyas did you need something?" I didnt know what came over me right now but I just asked

"hi, hi ,hi Alexandra um do, do you wanna um go, go to Snoggletog with me?" Idiot I should've went with plan A. She looked at me like I was crazy then spoke

"Oh Elyas I don't know maybe not". I died on the inside and said sadly

" oh ok thats fine well I'll see you lat-".

"Elyas I was kidding I would love to go with you". I grew a massive smile and said

"okay so I'll pick you up at five tomorrow". She nodded and I ran to the forge to make her something, maybe a necklace.

I moulded it out of metal called Gronckle iron. I engraved the sharp class dragon on it and wrote her name on the sides. I finally put a diamond along the whole thing. I put it in a nice box and put it in my armour pockets

--------Next Day--------

" Okay boys we have done our song practice now does everyone have dates?" I was going over everything with the boys to make sure they have down everything right.

"Yeah were good Alex's date is a girl called Kimberly, Damo has a girl called Georgina and I'm going with a girl called Kayla." Daniel said in a proud tone.

So we all went to my house to get our clothes ready and do our hair. After we were done it was 4:50

"Okay boys get your dates and meet at the Meade hall and remember were up after Not-so-silent-sphen okay" they nodded and we all left for our dates.

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