Years of training

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Elyas P.O.V

Chapter 18: Years of training

Darkstorm kept bugging me to go out flying so here we are. We were gliding peacefully over over Berk. I needed to clear my head after everything that has happened.

"What do you think bud? A few more stunts to clear our heads." He growled happily and nodded. Alexandra wasn't the only one to break a heart. Her dragon Stargazer dumped Darkstorm.

I Locke's his tail into automatic and slid off. I kept going until I was a few hundred feet from the water. I opened my flight suit and glided around with Darkstorm just behind me shooting plasma blasts for me to dodge. I flew over the houses of Berk and the village all cheered for me. I finished my flight by landing at the front of the Meade hall.

"Morning son how are you?" My dad asked me. This was strange because he is usually disappointed with me.

"Yeah I'm good dad just flying around" I told him still curious on why he is still being so nice.

"Okay son we need to talk" ok here it comes "I'm thinking of retiring soon so that means you need to start chief training".

" Ahh dad really again with the chief stuff?" I groan annoyingly

"Yes son chief training will last for five years but luckily for you I managed to make it two years". He told me still having no emotion on his face

" What's the catch?" I know something was up

"You have to take this book of past and present chiefs go to uninhabited island and train yourself in combat and learn everything about being a chief with the book" I could tell he was struggling to say this

I gulped "Alright I'll leave tonight so no one knows"

He just nodded and left while I sighed

"Hey bud we better go get ready, you go say bye to all the dragons okay" he growled and gave me his gummy smile and ran off.

I went home and grabbed my biggest backpack I had and put all my forge tools and clothes inside. I grabbed a basket and put a lot of fish in it for Darkstorm and me. I got out my map and looked for a island to live on. I decided on cloud island to the east of dragon island. Darkstorm got home and it was time to leave. I went and found dad to say goodbye

"Alright dad I'm off" I said while giving him a hug

"Goodbye son good luck I'll miss you" he hugged back

"Oh and dad do m a favour and announce that I was killed that way people won't come looking for me".

He looked shocked and hurt but agreed to my demand.

I hopped on Darkstorm and waved to dad once more and took off camouflaging in he night.

Jaon P.O.V

It was hard for me to let my son leave me but it was for the best. I called the village to make an emergency announcement.

" Alright listen up, tonight Elyas was home and was killed by another night fury. We had tried to fight it off but it killed Darkstorm and flew off. We have given Elyas a Viking funeral along with his dragon. That is all".

Once I finished the announcement I got down from the stage and went home. People tried to comfort me but I just kept walking. Its going to be hard if I already miss him now.

Elyas P.O.V

Finally after three hours of flying we reached cloud island. This place is amazing. It has mountains that reach through the clouds which is why I named it cloud island. There were a lot of dragons here and no shelter. I got to work chopping down trees and making walls for a house. Then a floor and finally a roof. When I was done I was satisfied with my work and made a fire and went to bed.

I woke up to Darkstorm licking my face

"Ahh Darkstorm you know that doesn't wash out" he made a laughing noise and I flicked some spit on him.
Man what am I supposed to do know I thought
Why don't we just go and train your strength I heard

"Who said that?" I asked looking for the person talking
Its me Darkstorm dont freak out just calm down I looked at him in disbelief
How come I can understand you? I asked still shocked
I don't know I just linked with you because we have a strong friendship I guess he told me
Oh ok then, this is something we are going to add to the book of dragons I told him
Haha yep I bet Alex will be happy he said while laughing

I smiled and he asked me
So now that we can talk you will be able to communicate to all dragons so let's ask them to help us train

I nodded and we left

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