-I love you-

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If I love you was a promise
Everyone lies all the time

I have never felt or known love
What is love?
This emotion people crave
This feeling they can't forget
The promise people make

Everyone who has ever loved me

Using me for their own lust and favor
Lying to me to keep me as their pet

Well guess what
I'm not a dog
I'm not a puppet
And I am not a toy

I have learned what love really means
From my true friends and family
Some of the people who make me feel at home
Aren't related to me in any way
But that doesn't change the love I have for them

Love isn't something you can buy
It's not something that you are born with
Love is something given
Love is something received

People can give love to you
And if they really love you then you mean the world to them
If they lie about it
It was never given in the first place

Know I love you more than anything
All the kindness and smiles you bring
Making me feel so loved
Making me feel so happy

I wish I could give you the same love in return
But self hate is something many people face
Rejecting the kind and true words of others
Because they aren't feeling right...and the world never once treated them right.

Know that my love is true

Know that I really love you

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