With you

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With you it seems life is so different
With you the sky is never the limit
You can make my stone cold face
Shatter like glass

With you they all fade away
All the loud screams and the darkness the bring to me
I love the calming feeling you bring
The way you let me breathe

Taking in air in ease
Unlike the sickening feeling they all bring
You are my shield against their lies
You are the sun lighting my skies

Everyday I want to see myself in your eyes
I want to see the smile that makes me feel like
Everything is alright
Cause with you it all seems so calm

Even if my wind is raging
Blowing my streams off course
Knocking my ship into the rigged rocks on my unsteady waters
You are the calming wind to slow my crazy breeze

You are the calming voice that helps me see
See in the dark of the night
When everything seems so right
I just want to feel safe
In your warm gentle embrace

Because I love you more than anything
I love you more than everything
So don't forget that when I'm gone
You were always the one who calmed

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