The Things you Did

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The things you did to me
taking all the blood I bleed
wondering why I have all

these lines to taunt me
while all you ever say is that
you want me

Want me?
but do you really?

sighing again and again
wishing that maybe one day

oh nevermind that

that bullshit wrapped in false hope
and so many damn lies

told by me

told by others

someone will come

well you lied

no one will come
because of the things you did

the ways you hurt me

making me cry all those nights alone
wondering to myself

is this what love is supposed to be?

well if it is

I suppose

I don't want it

holding onto my legs
hands clenched while 
holding onto my hair
I wish you never came

I wish you were there
but you never were

what do you take me for?
A dumbass?
a whore?
well I couldn't care less
you are foolish for getting this

close to me

wasting your life

all for me
for me

well none of that matters now

I look down to you
I see your wings spread
as you chase me

but darling I want to fly too




here I come after you
wanting to forget all the things

they did to me
but you make me happy
so take my body and soul

make me once again feel whole

falling away in my mind
wishing for nothing more
than to finally fly

.   .   .

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