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I'll light my candle to see the light glow in the darkness in the night,

We're both speechless standing there in the frosty auburn air, 

I look over into your eyes and I swear I see fireflies,

They're all around us standing there in this nighttime here,

You're the only one I see the only one for me,

Here for an eternity together just you and me,

I love you more than anyone has ever loved,

I love the stars up above telling the story of infinite love,

They shine down as if to say, you're meant to be,

You're meant to be...

So please stay with me,

Just believe in me today and make the effort to stay,

Cause I need you beside me to light my candle,

A fire of love we create,

Just you and me,

Here we are to stay,

Just you and me,

Cause that's all I need.

A/N I hope you enjoyed the second poem added to this book. This poem was written by me after watching the 4th danganronpa trial. This is meant to be a saiouma poem about how life could have been if they were in a different situation. Thanks for reading!


-The things that were never said-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora