-My brother-

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Although we aren't related
Although we don't look alike at all
You are my brother
My brother of another mother

You mean more to me than most others
You are the only family I have ever known
I don't know what family means
But you made it more clear to see

Caring for me
And making me laugh when I feel like crying
It makes you so important to me

Always being able to joke
And being able to have deep conversations
No one else can do things like this

Being the stars of my night
Being the light that's always there for me
Being the sanity I forget I have
Being there when she doesn't care

You pulled me back up when I wanted to leave
Holding onto me like I hold to you
Reminding me that I'm wanted
Reminding me that people want to be my friends
And everyone doesn't just want to use me
As she always did

I never knew how much I need a brother
I need to know sometimes that people actually want me
Knowing that people care for me
Knowing I'm not alone

The walks we go on at night
Help to keep me on my feet
Pulling me out of the hole of the days stress
Being there to make me laugh
Being there to get me out of my ocean of tears

I fell happier with you by my side
Listening to me talk without looking away
Only focusing on me when I need someone there
Always wanting to hangout and have name near

All the yelling and laughing I hold dear
Because it's better with you here

To the only brother I have ever know
The one that may have saved my soul

-The things that were never said-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin