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They are so high above me
Too high to touch
To high to feel

Yet they calm my heart
They calm my mind

The bright glow temporarily brightens me
Brightens the darkness that threatens to consume
Threatens to consume me
And mind

It takes and never gives back
But for these moments
I get to see the light
For a moment
I can forget all the things I have to do
All the things I have to deal with

The light brings me peace
As though it sings peace

Take a deep breath
Keep walking on
Cause you are oh so strong
I know you don't feel anything
But let me give you this
The feeling of peace
Take it with you
cherish it like a new friend

When all feels lost
Come and see me
When all is dark
And watch all of them shine

Smile up and know
The stars are here for you
They want to embrace you
When no one else would

I wanted you to feel safe
I want you to be safe
Please baby
Tell me what's going on

You cut me off from you
Please come talk to me

Just let me be
Is the last thing I heard
It's so quiet now
But I know you are better now
Sitting up there with all the stars

I love you
Keep on going

Smiling up at the sky
Letting go of all the tears I have cried
All the fears of life

Letting the memories of your embrace
Consume me and hold me
The way you always did
Clinging onto me like the air you breathe

I wish that you could still be with me
But it's all gone now
Except for the stars
Where you reside
Up so high

I hope you feel better now
Because more than anything
I want you to come back to me

But the stars bring me those little moments
Where I held you
Where I kissed you
The little whispers
Telling secrets every night
Holding you in my arms
As I fall asleep

When I look every time
I feel an overwhelming sense of peace

Please be happy for me

I always will be happy for you
My darling

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