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"Happy anniversary baby," I cooed in her ear, trying to wake her up. Neither of us have ever been early risers but today at least one of us had to be. She tossed ever so slightly, trying to fake being asleep still. "Baby, everyone is going to be here in a couple hours. I'll start setting everything up you just need to get yourself ready." I pushed her hair behind her ear and gently kissed her forehead. A light smile crept on her face.

"Good morning to you too," she smiles pulling me close. "Almost everything is done it's just the pictures need to be hung up and the food needs to be put out but we can do that when it's closer to when everyone is going to be here. I'll go shower and help you when I'm done." I nodded, leaving the room.

I hook up my phone to the speaker and listen to my daily mix on Spotify. I know at some point tonight one of the guys will take over the playlist so might as well enjoy my music while I can.

I take the step stool and all the pictures and get to work handing them off the walls, making sure to not get too close to the light fixtures. Looking at all of these bring back memories I forgot we even shared. Some from the first day we met, some from only a couple days ago, leaving the newer ones for last.

Looking at all these pictures makes these last eight years seem like it wasn't that long ago. Somehow the world brought me to the love of my life and I couldn't be more grateful for her saying yes when I asked her to marry me only a year and a half ago.

This woman not only became my rock but she helped me get my ged and helped me along my way through college, something I never thought I would be able to do. Because of that I've been a middle school English teacher at the school down the street from our home.

"Where are my favorite girls?" Louis called from the front door.

"I'm in here dad!" I yelled pinning up the last section of pictures. "Hey princess I missed ya," he roped me into a hug. "Hey dad I missed you too," I smiled hugging him tighter.

"Where's my other one?" He asked, looking at the pictures.

"Emma's getting ready now. Barely wanted to wake up today." He shook his head and laughed. "Where's El? I thought she was supposed to be with you."

"She'll be in later, had a few work things pile up that she needed to get done." I nodded and guided him to the kitchen to help me start setting out the food for everyone else that would be showing up. "There's my other girl!" Lou smiled hugging Emma. She hugs him back and helps us finish setting up, tweaking things ever so lightly, showing her perfectionism for today.

Emma's parents and brother were the next to show up. They're normally pretty early to anything we host since we're down the street from them now. We stayed relatively close to London when looking for houses.

We left the main door open so people could just walk in once they got here. The other nine of my boys started showing up, most with their significant others in tow.

After tour I stayed close with Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael. We were always in some sort of communication and it's stayed with us through the years. They were actually my brides men, along with Sean.

Sean and Gianna had split after a year together but he's currently engaged to a wonderful woman called Marissa.

Dinner didn't last too long and clean up was quick with everyone wanting to help since it was our day. "Babe Im going to get changed real quick I'll be right back down," I pointed to my now wet shirt, thanks to Ashton.

"The shirt is already on the bed waiting for you," she smiled bringing me into a kiss. I excuse myself from the party, jogging up the stairs. I toss a cardigan on over the new shirt and hurry back downstairs.

"Mom is making her way towards the last of the pictures and she might kill us for not telling her right away," I giggle. Emma shrugs her shoulders and pulls me close to her. "Happy anniversary babs," she smiles down at me. We make our way to the couch, little by little the cardigan showing my shirt.

"Spencer Elizabeth, what does your shirt say?" Harry goes wide eyed and everyone's glances shoot to me.

I glance over to Emma, who's very proud of her idea. "Well we've been doing IVF treatments and we're pregnant!"

Never in a million years did i think id ever finish this. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's read this whole story even though it's almost as cringey as it gets.

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