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This week has been rough for everyone. The guys are not only preparing for tomorrow but they're also sorting out interviews and set lists for each show. Their album comes out in a week and they're all over joyed for it. Zayn told me it's been the one that's taken them the longest to write.

My appointment with Emily went smoother this week. Louis took me but sat out in the lobby area this time. I started telling her about my childhood and what ways I have "coped". We started different exercises I could do if I ever felt the need to harm again especially for tour and the party tomorrow.

Speaking of the party, since Niall's parents are coming from Ireland, they're coming in tonight instead of tomorrow so they won't have to worry to much about the flight times. They're going to be staying with us until Sunday afternoon then head back. I've been super anxious about it but Niall is insisting that they'll love me.

I gave Emma a call this morning about it and she's calmed me down a lot and she'll be here early tomorrow as well to help with all the other families.

Zayn popped his head into my room. "Spencer, Niall's going to be back soon why don't you come down?"

"Okay I'll be down in a minute." He smiles and walks away. I grab a light sweater so I can cover my arms and head to the living room.

The four of them are watching reruns of jersey shore. I'm not too fond of the show but it is pretty funny. I grab some popcorn and throw some of the pieces at Liam. Normally I would've harassed Harry but Liam is the closest target for now. Every now and then he's turn his head and glare while I sat there pretending to be the innocent child I am. After a few more times of hitting his temple he grabs the bowl from me and puts it on his other side. I gave him a pouting look and turn to the tv.

Then I felt a flick. I look over and Liam's looking at the tv trying not to smile. I look down on the couch and see a piece of popcorn. I giggled and rolled my eyes at him. He proceeded to do his form of payback while trying his absolute best not to laugh at me. I got sick of it real quick and grabbed the bowl of chips off the coffee table and started throwing those at him.

We got to where his bowl was practically empty and mine was getting close when the door opened. I froze and went wide eyed.

"You'll be okay his parents are both super nice," Liam smiled calming me down. I nodded and took a couple deep breaths.

"Oh jesus what did you two do?" Niall laughed at Liam and me. We both look for the first time to see the mess we've made.

"Liam started it!" I squeaked.

"You literally started throwing the popcorn at me first until I took it away from you!"

"Well you continued it then. I had to take it into my own hands." Both the guys rolled their eyes at me while the other 3 went to go greet Niall's parents.

"I'll clean it up go with Niall and say hi," Liam said standing up. I look over to Niall and he takes my hand and guides me over.

"Mom, Dad this is Spencer" I gave a quiet hi.

"Oh come 'ere darling we're huggers," she pulled me in tight "I'm Maura and this is Bobby." She let go and smiled at me. "You're so pretty my goodness!" I blushed and said a quick thank you while Bobby gave me a small side hug, not wanting to make me uncomfortable.

"Let me show you guys your rooms and we can come back down and catch up," Niall said basically pulling his mom away from me.

"Let's go outside. There's more room out there." Lou pulled the door open and we followed after him. It was a nice day but damn was it hot.

I sat in the corner of the patio furniture next to Louis and listened to the guys joking around.

Niall and his parents found us all outside. Maura was practically connected to Niall by the hip at this point. I don't think any of us blame her though: she's the farthest away and hardly ever sees her son.

All the boys start telling them how tour is going to play out and the exact date we leave and the dates where we have breaks. Niall promised to visit during the week break before we set off for the states to see his brother that wasn't able to fly in on such short notice.

"Spencer dear, tell me about yourself. This one over here doesn't give any details about anything!" She said jokingly pushing Niall.

"Well there's not really too much to know anyways, but I'm fifteen, turning sixteen in just over a week and i like to write but other than that there's not too much to me!" I slightly laughed.

"There has to be more than that, darling! What about school or friends or anyone special in your life?" I stiffened and Niall quickly nudged his mom and told her that was enough questions. Louis grabbed my hand and started rubbing circles into my knuckles.

"Well I have a couple really close friends. One will be here tomorrow but I'm not sure about the other, he's been uh, busy lately. But there's no one special unless you count these losers." Maura and Bobby both laughed while the guys pretended to be hurt. I made sure to skip over her school question. It's not exactly the best way to show what a great person they picked out. Thankfully they didn't bring it up again.

As it got later Liam decided to order some pizza for dinner and that him and I would go pick it up so I could get a breather from everything.

Gradually everyone made their way inside as it was getting colder. Liam motioned for me to get ready to leave so I threw on some sandals and waited at the door for him. He tossed me his keys to go start up the car and I opened the door and stopped.


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