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I woke up around 9:30 that day. I opened the curtains to let the sun in. It was a beautiful day out. Maybe I'll go see Sean later today if the guys let me. I mean I can walk better. My stitches are almost healed(got the dissolvable (sp?) ones) and I've been able to walk on my cast before so it wouldn't be a major deal.

I walk down stairs to see only Liam down there. I sat on the couch farthest away from him and started watching TV.


"Y-yeah?" I stuttered.

"I'm sorry for what i did. I should've never acted that way to you. I've been trying to help you since day one and you still did this to yourself and I just got all.. upset I guess. I'm sorry about what I said I really am." he sighed and looked down at his hands.

"It's fine," I whispered hoping he would hear he. Thankfully he did and the topic was dropped. It really wasn't fine. At all. You don't say that to your child especially with how I am.

After awhile of sitting in silence Harry walked down stairs.I smiled as he walked into the kitchen. It was almost noon so I texted Sean.

SP: Hey want to hang out today? I really need to get away from home for awhile.

It took him awhile to finally respond but he did.

SE: Yeah. I'll meet you at the park. Busy day at the orphanage mom doesn't want me going too far.

SP: Alright. I'll see if that's okay with Harry. What time?

SE: 1-ish. If that's alright

SP: It should be fine. See you later.

I went into the kitchen to talk to Harry.

"Hey Harry would it be alright if I go visit Sean later at the park near the orphanage?" I gave him my puppy eyes so he wouldn't say no.

"Yeah sure. As long as one of the guys is with you two." He didn't even look up from his tea.

"We don't have anything to worry about anymore. My parents are in jail and I'm going to be with Sean out of all people."

"Alright fine. What time?" He asked.

"One. Thank you Harry!!!" I squealed as I hugged him. I went up stairs as fast as I could, so like speed walking fast, to go get ready. It takes a half hour to get there so might as well get ready now. I got changed into one of my tank tops that says 'RV there yet?' and a pair of light wash Capri pants with some old converse. I didn't bother putting on any makeup and just threw my hair into a pony tail. I went back down stairs to see Zayn and Niall half asleep on the couch. I smiled and walked over to Harry as he was putting his shoes on.

"What no crutches?" he snickered.

"Not today. Most of the cuts are healing if not already healed plus I've walked on it before so I should be fine," I smiled. He nodded his head and we left. The car ride was pretty silent besides me having to give him instructions on how to get to the park.

We finally pulled up and no one was there.

"Do you want me to wait here until Sean comes?" he asked obviously concerned.

"No thanks. He said it was a pretty busy day at the orphanage today so he's probably only running a few minutes late." I didn't see a problem with Harry just leaving so he agreed.

"Take this. It's not the best phone in the world but it will do for today. It has all of our numbers in it so just ring us when you need to be picked up," he smiled as he handed me a flip phone. I nodded my head and got out of the car. I got to the swing set and waved at Harry and he finally left. I sat down for a bit until another car pulled up. It wasn't Sean's. I got a little worried and held on to the phone that was now in my pocket.

They got out of their car but I couldn't tell who it was until they got closer.

"Hey beautiful," he sneered.

"W-what do you want Quinn? Where's Sean?" I was shaking now.

"Oh honey he's not coming. He doesn't even know you're in town right now. I had his phone this morning cause he left it at my house." I fell off the back of the swing as he got closer to me. I eventually stood up and stated walking backwards. "Babe don't be so scared. Let's have a little fun like we used to before you moved," he said as my back hit the playground. I went to dig for my phone but it fell out of my pocket. I couldn't call the guys and my iPod wouldn't let me call Sean.

Quinn grabbed my waste and started to kiss my neck. Tears started flowing down my cheeks as I tried to push him off. I tried even though he was the quarter back of the local high school football(American) team.He started to unbutton my pants as my sobs got louder. He put his hand over my mouth so no one could hear me. He spread my legs out far enough and my pants low enough to finally get what he wanted. I was numb. It happened again with him. I couldn't feel anything anymore; I didn't want to. I don't know how long it took him to finish but he finally did and let me fall into the mulch.

"Thank you for the fun baby girl. We should do this again sometime," he winked and walked away.

"I hate you!" I screamed. Quinn just laughed and hopped into his car and drove off. I got myself together and went to pick up my phone near the swings. I put Sean's number in it and decided to call him for help.

"Sean? It's Spencer. Can you meet me down by the park as soon as you can? Bye." It went straight to voice mail. I hope Quinn still doesn't have it.

15 minutes went by with no answer or him showing up so I walked to the orphanage. It wasn't too far of a walk so I would make it. I eventually got there out of breath. I went to open the door but was greeted by Sean.

"I just listened to your message. What happened? Why are you here?" He brought me inside to his room making sure I didn't fall. "I'm going to get you some water and a paper towel. Can you stay here alone?" Sean was obviously concerned and didn't want to leave me alone but I told him to go anyways.

He came back with both the items and started to wipe the dry tear stains off my face.

"Okay what happened?" I pulled his blanket over me and made sure nothing was seen but my face.

"I-I texted you this morning asking to hang out but it wasn't you who replied and I didn't know that so I came here thinking I was going to see you but Quinn came instead a-and he did it again," I whispered, crying again.

"Spencer what did he do again?" Oh shit. I never told Sean about the first time Quinn raped me.

I could't look Sean in the eye at this point. "He ra-aped me," I hiccuped. Everything was dead silent. Sean got off the bed and started to hit his dresser.

"Why didn't you tell me about the first time?! I could have helped you!" He screamed. I started to cry even more. I had the phone in my shaking hand trying to call Niall and calm down. I needed to go home. Sean stormed out of his room and I was able to calm down enough to sound normal when I'm on the phone.

"Hey Niall, can you pick me up from the orphanage? Sean and I walked here cause we didn't want to be at the park anymore. Thanks." I didn't even give him time to talk. I didn't want any questions right now. I already made up a lie to tell to him when he comes to pick me up. I looked in his mirror to make sure that there were no visible bruises in my neck. Thank god there wasn't.

Sean came back in the room calmed down a bit and went to hug me but changed his mind knowing I would probably freak out.

"Niall's coming to pick me up. I'll text you later," I said as I walked out of the place. I sat on the front step waiting. Sean didn't come outside to sit with me. I was perfectly fine with that in all honesty. Niall pulled up and I got into the car.

"Spencer are you okay?" He didn't move the car until I answered.

"Yeah I'm fine. We just finished watching a really sad movie on Netflix." I faked a smile and we went home. That was the end of the conversation.

As soon as we got home I went straight to my room. No one locked it from this morning thank god. I left the door open and lied on my bed curled into a ball.

"Spencer do you want some dinner?" Zayn knocked.

"No. Not hungry. Sorry." I heard him sigh and walk away. I eventually was able to clear my mind long enough for me to sleep.

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