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I couldn't sleep. My rib was killing me. At least it was a crack and not a total break.

Louis fell asleep fast. Lucky him... I started looking around to see if i had my ipod. Crap of course I don't have my ipod! I can't text Sean!! Oh god he's going to think the worst since I'm not answering him. I'll just tell him tomorrow. Hopefully he'll understand.

Louis opened his eyes slightly and I shut mine. I heard him sigh. I figured he wouldn't go back to sleep so I opened my eyes.

"Hey you feeling alright?" He asked. I nodded.

"My rib hurts a lot. Other than that I feel fine." I smiled. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it for a minute. "Louis?"

"Yes pumpkin?" He sounded really concerned.

"How did my dad get me and what did he do that made me lose memory?" I asked him.

"We don't know how he got you. We're guessing he knew where Dani lived and got you when we weren't around. And he hit your head with a metal box really hard." He looked a bit upset. I squeezed his hand like he did to me.

"I'm just glad I don't remember any of it!" I smiled.

"That's what Niall said!!!" He laughed. I smiled. He sat on the other side of my bed from where he was earlier. I scooted over and gave him room to lay down. When he did I curled into his side and put my head on his chest.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"For what, love?"

"Everything," I slightly smiled. He put his arm on my back and started to rub circles into it. I smiled.

Maybe this isn't so bad besides the part of Harry hating me. I'm getting better I think.

"Pumpkin, Harry doesn't hate you," Louis sighed.

"I said that out loud didn't I?" He nodded.

"Why do you think he hates you?" Louis looked down at me.

"After I told you guys I was gay, he always flipped out on me or one of you guys for it. Plus from day one, I've gotten a bad vibe from him like he didn't even want to be around me. Not like that's something new but still! I just don't know what I did to him to make him like that," I huffed.

"Spencer it's cause he was never expecting it. You're his technical daughter. He's worried for your mental health cause of twitter and everything. He doesn't hate you. He doesn't hate anyone! Want to talk to him about it tomorrow when we get home?" I shook my head no. I really don't care if he dislikes me or not. I just don't want any lies and excuses for it. "Are you sure? I mean its better to talk to him straight to his face," he kept talking.

"Yes I'm sure! I don't want to hear it from him. I don't care anymore! Just drop it! Please!?" I screamed. My eyes watered up. Louis just nodded and went silent.

I scooted slowly to the side of my bed to go to the bathroom. Louis helped me get up and walked me there. I didn't use my crutches cause it didn't hurt when I walked on my foot cause I've been walking on it for a while now.

When I got in I locked the door. I knew it wasn't a good idea but whatever. No one told me to unlock it so I was safe.

I looked over the bathroom and found the scale. I probably haven't eaten for a while now so I should be safe.

I put my feet on the scale and waited for the numbers to show up.

Last time I weighed myself I was 94 pounds. Hopefully it's a lower number.

I heard a slight beep and looked down and saw I was only 2 pounds away from my goal weight (which was 85 lbs(sorry I'm American so I use pounds)). I smiled and put the scale away.

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