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It's our last show in New York tonight but we have two days off after this. Louis promised me this morning that we could do all that tourist stuff that we haven't gotten to do yet on the condition that I come with them to the arena first thing in the morning.

What I didn't realize when I agreed was how early they had to be at the arena. Being dragged out at 7 wasn't something I was exactly looking forward to. For the past 6 hours I've been aimlessly walking around the building or playing on my phone. 5 seconds of summer had interviews today before their rehearsal so I've been by myself besides during their lunch break.

At this point, I've already explored every inch of msg so I just sit in the chairs in front of the stage and watch the guys rehearse and fix the small things that didn't go right in last nights performance. Nothing major happened, mainly just volume issues so it seems like an easy fix.

"Spencer," Louis called, looking down at his phone for at least the tenth time this hour, "why don't you go walk around a bit while we finish up over here?"

"That's all I've be- fine." I rolled my eyes. There was no use in fighting especially when they're busy. I go basically straight to the dressing room.

"Excuse me," a voice from behind me makes me jump. I turn around and my heart stops. I rub my eyes making sure I'm not imagining things.

"Holy shit," I mouth running over. We hit each other with enough force to almost fall over. "You said you had too much to do with school work!" My voice comes out at mumbles with my head tucked into her neck. I hug her tighter, not wanting to let go just yet.

I could feel her laugh at my actions. "We wanted it to be a surprise." I lifted my head and gave her a confused look, putting all the pieces together. I motion over to the stage and receive a simple nod. My smile grew as I pulled her in for another hug.

It wasn't much longer before we let go and made our way to the dressing room. I introduced her to Lou, who was setting up. They've talked a couple times when we called each other so it was at this point putting a face to the name.

The three of us talked, for who knows how long, about everything. Lux even sat with us so she could be one of the big girls.

"Lou we're here!" Mikey yells while they crash through the door. "Sorry we're late interview took longer than expected." She didn't say too much but motion for them to hurry up. They all looked over at me and said their hellos and had to do a double take.

"Nice to finally meet you guys I'm Emma!" She waved. Lux was sitting on her lap, preventing her from going to actually greet them. Three of the boys came over to hug her, Michael was stuck getting his hair done.

Questions were being thrown her way. The main one being why was she here. "Louis wanted to surprise her and I was already planning on coming to at least one show so the two of us kept it a secret."

Lux was now running around as the boys rotate in Lou's chair. She was getting restless and I couldn't help but feel bad. When the boys weren't getting their hair done they were playing with her but I don't think that was enough. I mean until Harry walked in the room, then she was perfectly content to be with him. Everyone made their rounds and said hi to Emma, only Harry and Niall being surprised that she was here. Louis probably figured they would've told me at some point.

"Just so you know you can ditch me tomorrow to go sight seeing with Emma it won't bug me," Lou whispered in my ear. I thanked him and hugged him tight.

"So are both of you staying tonight to watch the show or you running back to the hotel?" Ashton asked, squeezing in between Emma and I.

"I don't know I heard the openers kinda suck," I joked. All the aussies started to take offense right away. "Of course we'll be here." He rolled his eyes, making me punch his arm.

The rest of our night flew by with all of us joking around with each other, spending it like how we did before tour started but with an extra 4 boys. As the arena started to fill up, security guided the two of us to our seats.

Both sets went on great with no problems this time. Emma and I had the time of our lives watching all of our boys having fun.

The night came to an end and Emma came back to the hotel with us. "You coming over tonight?" Ash asked us.

"Well you won't be getting any cuddles from me if we do just as a fair warning." He gasped, hitting his chest.

"First you steal MY bestie now you steal my CUDDLES? I can't believe you Emma!" The two of us giggled and followed the boys to their room. Michael had already thrown on a movie while the rest of us got comfortable. Not much of the movie was actually watched between all of us messing around and falling asleep.

"Babs you're going to need to get up if you want to go exploring today I hope you know that." Emma started to lightly shake me awake.

"She's never going to wake up I hope you know," Ashton giggled. I grunted and pulled the blanket closer to me, not wanting to get up.

"She's really the worst morning person isn't she?"

"Yes she is and she can hear you," I grumbled. They both laugh at me and Emma gets up off the couch. Little did I know it was only for her to rip the blanket off of me. "You bitch! It's so cold!" I screech. I wrap my arms around my waist keeping in as much body heat in as possible.

"Babe it's already 10:30 if you want to actually be a tourist for once you gotta get up!" She pulled me up so I was standing. "Thanks for letting us stay the night guys. I hope to see you more often," she says as she drags me out the door. We say our good mornings to Louis, who's surprisingly up already and make our way to my luggage. Emma rummages through my clothes, throwing items at me individually.

"Make sure you leave your location on and call us if you need anything, Spencer!" Louis called. Thankfully there were no crowds outside the hotel doors today so we didn't get ambushed right away. Emma brought us down to the subway, saying how it would be a lot faster and cheaper than taking taxis all day.

She really did make it a tourist day for me, hitting the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building, but also showed me some of her favorite coffee and book shops around the city as well. "Spencer," she stops walking, "this is going to either be the best thing I've done or the most stupid, but I'm crazy about you babs, I have been since the first day we met."

"Then let's see where this takes us."

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