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"W-what do you want?" I stuttered through the phone.

"I just wanted to see my baby girl. I mean it's been what five years? Daddy and mommy want to see you soon," he snickered. I could feel his evil smile through the phone.

"N-NO!" I screamed.

"What was that Spencer? Baby I know where you live! You can't stop me!" He laughed. I dropped the phone and cried. I could hear te beeping from him handling up.

"Spencer what's wrong? Who was that?" Liam asked.

"H-him. H-he knows w-where we live. H-h-he's coming after m-me L-Liam," I couldn't talk right. I was too scared.

"Baby who's him?" He asked again.

"M-my d-dad." He stared at me like I was insane and carried me down stairs. I was begging for him to put me down.

"Boys we got to go NOW!" Liam said freaking out.

"Why we're in the middle of a game!" Zayn said focusing on the tv. Niall locked over to us.

"What happened?" He asked worryingly. Niall paused the game and everyone looked over.

"Her dad knows where we live knows the number to the house. She's not safe." Harry looked more worried than everyone in the room even me! I don't know how that's possible!

"Start packing everyone! Spencer you don't need to worry everything you need is already packed up from when you moved here," Liam set me on the couch and took out his phone. "Dani! Are you in town? It doesn't matter we need a place to stay for a while. Yes everyone including Spencer. Something popped up. It's urgent babe. Okay thank you! Love you too. See you soon bye," he hung up his phone. He also called someone named Paul. Don't know don't care. He ran up stairs when Zayn came down. I guess I can't be alone anymore.. Great. Zayn came down with a suitcase and both of my boxes with clothes in them. The boxes were very small.

I was shaking a little bit. Who would blame me. My abusive parents know where my new house is and are most likely trying to take me back. I'm just going to be their punching and rape bag if they ever do get me back. God I hope they don't. I won't be able to handle it anymore.

"Okay let's get going. Paul's outside in the car," Liam said pushing everyone out the door. He made me go in front of him just incase. We all smashed in the van and drove to Dani's place. I have no idea who she is. Family member maybe or girl friend? I guess ill find out soon. I heard thing hitting the back of the car. Not bullets I know the sound of those. Fire crackers maybe? Sounded like it.

Right after the fifth fire cracker a gun went off.

"Get under the seat now Spencer. Cover yourself with the blankets!" Liam said. I crawled under the seat and put all the blankets around me to look like a giant pile but it was just several on each side. We slowed down and Paul rolled down the window.

"Sir did you not hear the sirens going off behind you?" I could tell it was him. I typed in my notes that it was him pinched Liam's ankle and slid the iPod under the blankets. He took the iPod.

"Hey dad can I talk to you for a minute?" Liam said.

"Excuse me for a minute officer." Paul said. I could hear him walking off.

"That's not a real police officer that's Spencer's real dad! The one we're trying to get away from!" Liam whisper screamed.

"I'm calling the real police then," Paul said back. I was breathing quickly again. Most likely hyperventilating. I heard sirens coming up the street. One of the boys in the very back took a picture of his license plate number. He drove off. When the police got here I came up and sat in my seat normally.

"Was that the car you called about sir?" A woman asked.

"Yes ma'am. Niall got a picture of the license plate number if you want to look at that," Paul said while we handed up Niall's phone.

"Thank you I'll be right back to ask questions," the lady left and went to her car.

"Baby girl, are you okay with answering questions?" Louis asked.

"Y-yeah I guess," I said. He nodded.

Soon the woman came back with the phone and Louis open his side of the door so she could talk to us.

"So you're Spencer Tomlinson correct?" She pointed to me.

"Yes ma'am."

"I'm aware that was your past mothers car. Is there any reason at all your father would be casing you down and shooting at the car?" She asked me.

"I'm the reason he was put into jail. He abused me and one day police officers cane to our house when he was hitting me and took him to jail and me to a hospital and the orphanage. I was the reason for everything wrong in that house. Today he called their home and wanted to talk to me and I found out he knew where I lived and wanted me back. Liam heard and we started packing up for his friends house so we could stay there for a while but he I guess followed us." I finished with her taking notes.

"Do any of you know where he could've gotten any of that information from?" The officer asked.

"Only place is the orphanage but you have to call in 5 days early if you want any information on any children cause the owner does background checks for everybody." Harry said.

"Okay. Spencer can you please step out of the car for a moment. Nothing bad will happen boys don't worry. I just need a talk with her," she smiled.

I stepped out and over to her car.

"Okay honey, if you want to you can stay at the police station until we get both of your parents into custody to make sure nothing happens to you. If your guardians allow it of course," she said.

"I'm pretty sure they'd want me by their sides at all times but can you please contact one of them once my parents are in jail?"

"Of course sweet heart. Ill just need the eldest's email or phone number and you're all set. If anything changes call this number and I'll be over to come help and pick you up," she said handing me a card. We walked back to the van and she told Louis all about it and he gave her his number. Once she drove off we made our way to Liam's friends.

"Are you sure you don't want to be there?" Louis asked.

"It doesn't matter really. I figured you guys would want to grow closer to me so I chose to stay here." I was really tired so I rested my head on Louis shoulder.

"We're here," Paul said. Louis carried me inside while Zayn took my boxes. Liam went first inside and kissed the girl who opened up the door for us.

"Hi Spencer, I'm Danielle," she smiled. She was absolutely gorgeous. Thin tall beautiful face and an absolutely perfect figure. I smiled and waved. Louis sat me on the couch and went to go get his bags. "Spencer do you know a man by the name of Jackson Lee?" She asked me. I slowly shook my head yes. "He was looking for you today do you want me to call him for you?" She asked. My eyes bugged it of my head.

"No no no no no no no no no no no no please don't I beg you!" I pleaded. She looked at me strangely but nodded her head slightly. I curled up in a ball just thinking about today. Why did I have to put all the boys and Danielle in all my problems.

Danielle turned on the celebrity news and I was actually interested.

"One directions in danger? Someone shot a gun at the back of their car today and it was a pretend cop! A few minutes later he drove off after hearing real police sirens. No one would have expected this but a young girl maybe around 16 came out of the van they were in. A new girl friend boys?" They're really that famous? They think I'm one of their girl friends? Wow that's probably a new one. I walked upstairs into a room with my boxes in it closed the door and sat on the bed. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep when someone started opening my door. I looked to the side to see absolutely no one!! I smiled and shut my eyes again. I felt something go over my nose and mouth. It smelled funny like drugged our something. I opened my eyes to see a female hand holding down the cloth. I looked over to see Danielle smirking as I went into a deep sleep.

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