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When Spencer ran out I grabbed her iPod and texted Sean asking if she had any specific areas she would run off to. I could already tell he would freak out when he read that.

When he responded normally parks fields oh less populated areas, we all ran to find her. I went to the park, Niall to the soccer field, Liam to the town with Zayn. Harry went with Niall but planned to stay in the van.

At the park there only was a little girl and her mother who were getting in their car cause of the rain. I looked in all the tunnels and any hiding places there were.

No one there but me. I mumbled a shit here and there. I started to walk to the soccer field around 5 minutes away to see if Niall had any clues or even found her. My phone died so I couldn't keep in touch with all the boys.

"Niall!" I called a soon as I saw blond locks. "Mate what's wrong?" He was crying.

"Lou she hates us ever since we walked into the older kid area at the orphanage she's hated us. Now we lost her!! She can't handle everything we put on her the second day we've had her. She's too afraid of us. When I went to calm her down earlier she wouldn't let me touch her until she got used to it. She's not ready for anything Lou," he cried his eyes out. I know he cared a lot about her but not this much. I rubbed his back and we walked to the car he drove.

He calmed down in there.

"Guys Zayn's found her!" Harry said. We drove to the street but picking up Liam first. When they got in Spencer looked terrible. Pale, scared, and looked very depressed and sick.

"Spencer where were you?" I sounded way too worried.

"She got raped in the back of an alley way," Zayn said cause she was too shooken up to.

"Do you know by who?" I asked.

"N-no," she stuttered. I hit my fist on the door and she we went into shock.

We started screaming her name and shaking her. Nothing worked. When we reached the house we screamed her name in unison. She came out of la la land and ran into the house. I chased after her. She got to her room before me ad I heard a click signaling she locked her door.

I knocked and twisted the door knob but she didn't answer. I gave up and got the key from the top of her door. I unlocked her door and walked in. Her head shot to me. I sat on the end of her bed.

"I hope you know you can trust most of us. I won't ever be like your parents and I can promise that," I smiled at her. I went in for a hug and he actually hugged me back!!

"Thank you Louis," she said quietly and smiled.

"Get changed and come into my room to get medicine. You're burning up babe!" I said. Sh nodded and I left her room.

I to my room and changed myself. I grabbed the medicine and put it in one of those cup things. I got out of my bathroom and she was already sitting on my bed. I smiled and gave her the cup. She drank it all an just sat there.

"You should go to bed. You've had a long day today," I said to her. She nodded and went back to her room.

God why did she do all of those things to herself. The raping parts were never her fault but Harry told us about her not eating and cutting herself we already knew. She's a beautiful young girl who has a lot ahead of her. I can't believe she does all of that to herself. I just don't get it! I want to help her but she's too scared for any male to touch her beside Sean. Well I need her to start eating something. Wait she ate nothing at all today! How did I not notice that!? Worst new dad in the world award. God in such an arse! We all got side tracked into her and Harry's fight the only person who probably ate was Niall cause he's Niall.

I walked down stairs pulling on my hair.

"Mate calm down! You're going to be bald by tomorrow morning!" Harry joked around. I have him a glare. "What's wrong?" I could tell he didn't care knowing it involved Spencer.

"I feel like the worst dad ever right now. She doesn't eat anything and self harms. She's too afraid for anyone to touch her besides the people she's known for so long. It's killing me Harry. She's hurting and I don't know how to help her," I said pulling on my hair even more.

"She didn't have to start cutting herself or starving herself. That's her fault. The part where she's afraid of everyone that's her parents fault. So you don't have to worry about..." I punched him.

"How would you feel if you were abused till you were 10 and still raped after that? How would you fucking feel if you were hated by both your parents and would get beaten if you tried to leave. No one besides Sean liked her at the orphanage. Everyone else bullied her. How the hell would you cope Harold? Probably the same fucking way!" I screamed at him but not loud enough to wake up Spencer. He looked upset after that. He deserved it right now. "YOU'RE the reason she ran earlier. You're the reason she got raped. Don't act all innocent anymore," I growled at him.

I went back upstairs to check on Spencer. She was shaking. I put another blanket on her and she stopped. I kissed her forehead and left her room. I went back into mine and flopped on my bed. Why Spencer, why?


"Baby there's someone on the phone for you," Liam smiled while shaking me a little bit. I took the phone from his hand.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Hi baby girl." I dropped the phone and stared into complete nothingness.

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