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Today was supposed to be happy but I'm drowning in sadness. I know super dramatic.

It was the album release day. It also happens to be the day Emma leaves until Christmas. She stopped by yesterday to say goodbye, both of us knowing she wouldn't have time today.

The boys are off doing interviews for the main part of the day. I'd convinced them that I would be fine at home, which probably wasn't the best idea for me. If I went I could've at least distracted myself instead of laying in bed in a quiet house.

I ate breakfast this morning but couldn't get any more energy to eat anything else once the guys left. I stared at the ceiling until I got a text from Emma saying she's made it to the airport and that she'll let me know when she lands.

I silently sobbed until my body couldn't any longer. I never thought someone, besides Sean, would be as close to me as she is.

I felt my bed dip next to me. "Oh babe come here," Louis cooed rubbing my back. I quickly shuffled my way into his lap. He held me tight and did his best trying to calm me down.

"You guys weren't supposed to be home this early." I sniffled. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and placed my head on his chest.

"I couldn't be away from my favorite girl any longer when I know she's having a rough day by herself. The rest of the boys are covering for me for the rest of the day." I smiled. "Cmon we can go to the store and get all the junk food your heart desires and we can do a movie night or something."

I get up and head to my closet looking for one of my hoodies. All the boys have managed to steal their clothes back these past couple days. Not that I had a lot but I did prefer to wear their stuff.

I went to pull the hoodie over my head but noticed how tight it felt. "Lou can I borrow one of yours?" I squeezed my way out of the hoodie being careful not to rip it.

"Of course, princess. We can order you a couple before we leave for tour too." I nodded and threw it onto my chair before Louis and I went to his room.

I stood by his door while he went to his dresser before grabbing a black hoodie for me. He tossed it my way and we made our way to the door.

The car ride there consisted of us listening to one of the guys' radio interviews. They all asked pretty basic questions but the guys were having lots of fun anyways. There were a couple questions about me but Niall kept everyone's answers vague so I could still have some privacy in my life. Harry has changed the topic shortly after. I could tell Louis lost a lot of tension when Harry has done that and I was grateful.

I had shot Harry a text saying how they all sounded good.

It wasn't until we parked where I noticed small amounts of flashing lights around us.

"Just keep your head down." I nod at Louis and get out the car, quickly following him into the store. Thankfully only a couple paps had followed us. None of them were terribly rude either. They had kept their distance from me as Louis guided me through the doors.

You could see that Lou was upset, he's never been the best at hiding his emotions. I grab a shopping cart and start making our way up and down the isles.

We put enough food in for not only us but for the other four when they get home tonight as well, knowing fully well they'll get mad knowing we didn't save any. No fans came up to either of us while we shopped but plenty took pictures from afar. I didn't mind since I wouldn't even be seeing them. I made a promise to myself and Emily to stay off of social media until I'm officially on the right track to help myself.

We checked out with our couple hundred dollars worth of junk food and prepared ourselves for what was outside. I could see the flashing lights through the windows. Louis handed me his sunglasses and we put up our hoods.

"Remember head down and don't listen to them." We grabbed our bags and I held onto him as tight as I could. Immediately people were screaming at us. It was a lot of fans pulling at us wanting to get pictures or to have Lou sign something. I mentally thanked myself for wearing a hoodie since it saved me from so many scratches.

We were almost done loading up the car when someone had screamed at us. "Spencer, is it true that you're pregnant?" My breath hitches in my throat. I froze. Louis guided me to the passenger seat before asking people to back away from the car so we could get home. Thankfully they all did.

When he stepped into the car, he gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were white. The car ride was silent, not even the radio was on. "Who knows?" He mumbled.

"Emma, Sean, and Quinn. None of them would do that though. It could just be a rum-" he cut me off

"You can't be too sure about that." He mumbled while throwing the car into park.

"I'm very sure about it. I know and trust Emma and Sean with my life they wouldn't do anything to hurt me or you guys, especially not now, and if Quinn would've said anything it would've been right when I told him about everything." I shot back at him. I grabbed as many bags as I could from the trunk and went inside. I placed the bags on the table and started to unpack them.

"He's a fucking addict Spencer! He could've sold a story for a quick buck!" He screamed at me after shutting the door.

"Then let's act like it's just a fake story! You know damn well that all of us could play it off exactly like that! It's not like you guys don't have a new scandal you have to deal with every fucking week!" I throw the last item onto the table before turning to him. He was fuming by this point.

"Watch your language!"

"What so you can swear at me but as soon as I use the same word?" I crossed my arms challenging him at this point.

"No don't do that" he says getting closer.

"Don't do what? Show you that you were in the wrong? Show you that you're being a hypocrite?" I step closer to him.

"Lose the attitude young lady," he growls looking down at me now.

"Isn't that gold coming from you." I roll my eyes and step back. I started walking away when he grabbed my wrist.

"Go to your room. Now." I ripped my arm away from him and stomped my way to my room. So much for trying to fix the day.

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