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Dellinger's hand was once more entwined with yours as he swung it while walking. Right after the whole "crack nail" situation happened, dinner was almost prepared. So, of course, you both made your way out of his room and towards the dining hall.

Along the way, the young blonde would continue to cackle about the whole nail thing.

He just couldn't seem to let it go!

"I seriously can't believe you didn't understand that. You're way more naive than I thought!" His hand squeezed yours tighter when he doubled over from laughter for what seemed like the millionth time within these past three minutes.

"Are you sure you don't snort coke?" He asked in between gasps for breath.

The doors finally neared that lead to the dining hall. Maids and butlers alike opened it for the two of you, as you stared Dellinger down with an irritated flush of pink.


The young teen's hand left yours as he chuckled all the way to his seat, the family members present in the dining hall very confused at whatever this conversation was. I mean, they were all just in a previous, lovely conversation, and all of a sudden you come in bursting through the doors screaming about crack.

What did they even expect? They're used to you screaming about random things anyway.

"Are you sure you don't snort it? You seem to have major brain damage to me." Gladius spoke up from the giggles that waved in through the room.

"Mhm, yea! You're pretty damn stupid."

"I refuse to believe you haven't done coke with that long nail you had."


Doflamingo watched in silent amusement. It's always nice to just sit back and listen to the loud family he loves conversations. Especially when you would try to defend yourself but do a horrible job at it. It's hilarious.

Of course, the tall man is extremely confused by whatever this whole crack nail conversation was. Like, how did it even begin? And why is it even still being talked about? It didn't matter much, but it's okay as long as everyone was getting along.

After you gave an explanation of the whole nail conversation and how it even began they let their thoughts run free once more.

"Oh, so you actually don't snort coke? All of us thought you did based on the screws loose in your mind. Turns out it's just you and not the drugs." Gladius once more said, as the other member's chimes in their agreements with his statement.

"THAT'S SO MEAN— yay food!"


Munching down on the (F/F) that was brought out, you chatted alongside the family members. Sometimes you'd throw an insult here and there while getting into an argument, but nothing that wasn't new. It was harmless banter, really.

Well, sometimes.

"LISTEN HERE. DELLINGER IS MY SON!" You shouted out, baring your teeth at the much older woman who sat farther down the table across from you.

Dellinger would laugh about the argument like he normally did, not caring about the pointless ongoing war between his mother and second mother. The teen just enjoyed all the attention and love as the two of his favorite's spitted out words against one another.

The rest of the family was in the same boat. Some were irritated by how often you get riled up by such things and cause a huge fit literally every single time it gets brought up.

Others didn't even acknowledge the argument, as they were accustomed to this. At this point, not much fazed them when it concerned you. You were sort of a wild card, in a sense.

The remaining smaller party was obviously entertained. You always manage to get into an argument with somebody once a day and each one was always something to look forward to.

"I'm the one who raised him since birth!" Giolla rebutted, becoming more irate from the constant arguments with you.

Growling under your breath you stood up abruptly from your seat, gripping the plate that was filled with food.



Just as your hand was about to let the plate go to begin a food fight, your movements were restricted, much to yours and others dismay.

"(Y/n)." Doflamingo's unamused voice finally spoke up from the end of the table. It was the first time he said anything from the time dinner began.

Tensing up, you let out a burst of nervous laughter while turning to look at the man in charge. He held his lovely smile with his fingers up, indicating his strings were attached to your body.

"Yo..." Some muffled their cackles at the anxiousness in your tone.

"I believe we agreed you wouldn't throw plates or food around anymore." He purred, smile widening when you nodded hurriedly.

And just like that, the food was safe and there were no food fights that would take place.


When dinner had ended, you left with your boyfriend. At first, you just followed him around as he went into his office. He had worked once more, leaving you with not much attention. Of course, after pestering, he caved in and agreed to spend more time with you for the night.

So here you were, cuddled close in his arms as you both stared up at the night sky that shined brightly. It was slightly chilly, so whenever a breeze grazed against you, you'd press yourself close against him as humanly possible, so as to receive his body heat. Along with the pink feathery coat that was draped atop the two.

The moon shined beautifully up in the sky, though the stars are what truly lit up the night.

"Mhm... You know, Doffy," Your fingers strummed through his short, blonde locks as his large hand stroked the side of your face. He gave a hum back to show he was listening.

"Dellinger mentioned something rather true about us and I thought it was kind of cute," His blue eyes moved down to stare at you rather than the dark sky with little lights million miles away.

"Oh? What could that be?"

Sending him a soft smile, you placed a loving kiss atop his lips, him returning it with more passion behind it. His lips, of course, molded just right with yours, the pounding of your heart increasing the more he held you close.

Pulling back, another smile formed atop your face.

"He said we are like the sun and moon. You're pretty quiet and listen in on conversations like the moon would, while I'm like the sun. I'm loud and always join in on things. Isn't that super cute of him to think of that?!" A quiet squeal left your lips at the end of your words when you brought up the interaction.

His large hands snaked their way around your waist, you following suit with dropping your hands to his neck.

"Well then, I guess you'd be my sunshine then?" He spoke kindly into your ears, a rosy flush forming from how gentle he was being.

Stop he's so cute.

I love him being nice and gentle like this:((

"If you keep saying cute things like that then you'll be wifing me up sooner than I had planned."

A chuckle left his throat as he pinched your cheeks lightly.

"That certainly doesn't sound bad."

Grumbling flustered murmurs under your breath, you placed a quick kiss to his lips once more.

"I-I'll hold you to it, moonshine..."


My ass just finding out that moonshine is illicitly distilled or smuggled liquor😙✌🏻✌🏻


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