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Finally arriving at the very familiar country known as Dressrosa you were ecstatic to see everyone you had grown close to.

Especially Delli! <3

Weaving your way through the crowds of people and toys alike, you made your way to a very familiar building.

Were you aware of the things that go behind the scenes of this lovely country? Sure. You knew the toys were actually real people.

You weren't a horrible person and were okay with this, in fact it did make you upset when you found out. But after confronting that overgrown flamingo about it you quickly realized there was nothing that you could really do about it. Thus, you had to suck it up and deal with it.

Opening the doors to the building you were greeted with the amazing smell of all types of desserts.

"Ah! Welcome back (Y/N)-Chan! How was your little journey?" Melanie, the owner at your favorite bakery greeted you with a warm smile.

"Mel! I missed you! And it was great, other than the fact my little vacation was cut short." Your lips curled slightly downwards at the remembrance of fighting those men at Sabaody.

Melanie was a beautiful brunette with long hair in a ponytail, wearing a cute short baker dress with doll like shoes. She was significantly younger than you, being she was 23 and you were 37 but you guys were good acquaintances since you bought from the bakery quite frequently. In short you were her best and biggest spender.

That dress makes her thighs look nice, when is she gonna get a girlfriend..

She chuckled at your enthusiasm to see her and the desserts before stepping out behind the counter to give you a side hug.

"Missed you too, you old woman! You want the usual?"

Ah. She called you old.




Rubbing your head where a bump now formed on your head, you frowned before muttering an apology.

Don't mess with Mel, she's a cute little shit but damn she punches like a gorilla. No wonder she hasn't found a girlfriend yet..

As if sensing she knew what you said, she sends another punch to your head once again.

Sighing and once again rubbing your poor abused head you responded, "Yea I'd like the usual. But this time can you also make a separate to-go box with a slice of cake? I got to feed my baby boy!" <33

You really loved Dellinger if that wasn't obvious enough.

"I got you, Cap'n! Twenty cookies, fifteen cupcakes, thirty brownies, eight cakes, thirty Danish pastries, forty doughnuts and a separate baggy with a slice of cake coming right up!"

How you had no cavities, diabetes and not a balloon by now is something that amazes everybody around you, you yourself but you're not complaining one bit.

Sitting down at the closest empty table, you waited for Mel to bake the desserts, knowing it would be quite a while.

≪ °✾° ≫

"Thanks again Mel! Go find a girlfriend you brute, I love you!" <3

"It was no problem you diabetic shit! Stop bringing up my love life when you yourself have not been in a relationship for the past decade of your sad life! Love you too xoxoxo!"

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