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It was darker than it was earlier when you started walking. The sun was tucked away, waiting to come back around in the early morning, as you and the others kept close by at a slow pace. Luffy was wrapped around your body, resting his head on your shoulder, which you found to be the cutest thing ever. I mean, he was like a literal child, you don't get this sort of clinginess from any of the donquixote pirates(which you secretly wished Dellinger was), so this was refreshing towards you in a sense.

Just the motherly instincts of caring for a child, you guess?

Usopp was walking beside you on your left, chatting away with Luffy about god knows what, while Sanji was on your right, muttering curses about his captain and how lucky he was. Sometimes your would pitch in a comment here and there in the two's conversation but other than that you just focused on the night sky.

I love Usopp he is baby<3

(Y/n) please stop adopting every person, you can't even take care of yourself properly and you want all these kids.

Shut up you can't tell me what to do, bitch.

I'm literally you, what the fuck do you mean? And you just called yourself a bitch, imbecile.


You were cut off from your internal argument by Sanji tapping you shoulders. "M'lady, if you don't mind me asking, who is it that you're staying with? Earlier you mentioned you were staying at a castle with somebody but you never mentioned who." Sanji gave you a curious glance.

You perked up a bit, "I stay with the king of this country. Have you guys heard of Donquixote Doflamingo?," a tiny smile made it's way onto your face. "The tall blonde guy with the pink coat? He's one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Well yea, that's who I stay with, along with his family."

Everyone's eyes grew at your statement, silence settling. You were a bit confused at the stunned looks you received, even from Luffy, though he looked more serious than shocked. Not that you could blame Usopp or Sanji for being surprise, what was such a fun and loving women like you staying with such a serious and cruel man? It didn't really make that much sense to them.

"W-what, are you insane?! He's insanely s-strong, (Y/n)! What are you doing w-with a g-guy like that?!" Usopp stuttered in fear.

Not even bothering to glance at him, you stared at the starry sky as you rubbed Luffy's hair. "I can handle myself Usopp, don't underestimate me just because I'm a women."

Sanji fumed by your side that you were staying with another man. He better not be touching or bothering you! Oh, to late for that, sorry babe..

Luffy spoke up in the midst of the pairs turmoil. "I remember him at Marineford. He was there when I was trying to save Ace."

Everyone silenced down at his words. Marineford was a touchy subject it seemed, and you would be lying if you said it wasn't for you as well. Tons of shit went down for gods sake! Your lips curled downward at the reoccurring memories of MarineFord and the outcome. After a minute of silence you spoke up. "Well yes, I stay with him and the rest of his family. I've known them for a good year now, they're a joy to be around!" You slightly grinned at the thought of your favs.

It seemed like your little five on enthusiasm brought the solemn mood up a bit, thank god. Heavy atmospheres just were not your forte. Luffy squishes his cheek onto yours and grins. "I'm glad you're happy
(Y/n), Shishishi!"

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