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Turning to your favorite boy you randomly blurt out, "Dellinger you're cute as fuck let me adopt you."

It was empty now with the exception of Giolla, Dellinger and Sugar.

"(Y/n) stop always trying to adopt my son! Go adopt someone else's kid for once!"


"Kya! Of course (y/n), I love you too!"

Embracing each other in a girly looking hug with one leg in the air you both squealed.



Rubbing your cheeks together with the said boy, wide grins were present on your faces as you ignored Giolla's words.

Sugar pouts at this display, feeling left out.

Why doesn't she get this sort of attention? Isn't she cute too? I mean she was (externally) ten for gods sake, that's peak cuteness! Not to mention to fact you spoiled Dellinger with gifts.

Giolla being the actual mother, felt her motherly instincts kick in as she turns to look at Sugar, who was wearing a face with a mix between anger and sadness.

Giolla immediately makes her way towards the young girl and picks her up, "What's the matter, Sugar?" the older woman quietly asks, as to not draw the two squealing duo's attention.

Slightly tearing up Sugar confesses, "Does (y/n) not like me?.. She's always thinking about Dellinger and buying him things. I just feel sort of left out and unappreciated.."

Giolla immediately comforts the young girl with yelling at the woman in question, "(Y/N) STOP DOTING ON MY SON AND SPEND TIME WITH SUGAR, BE A BIG SISTER!"

Still holding onto the half-fish boy but more loose this time, she looks over to see Sugar's head hiding in Giolla's shoulder.

Oh is she upset?.. Aw I wanted time with my baby boy. Well no matter, I haven't spent much time with Sugar anyway..

Slowly letting go of your son you ruffle his hair, "I'll see you later tonight or something Delli, I'm going to go out with Sugar today" you beamed.

"Okay, love you!" <33

"Love you too!" <333

Bouncing your way over you snatch Sugar out of the older woman's arms, "This doesn't mean our debate is over. One day, Giolla, ONE DAY."


Adjusting Sugar on your waist you look down at her as you made your way to your room to actually get into real clothing, "So what seems to be the problem girly?"

Clinging onto your-amazing and adorable-pajamas she managed to mutter out a quiet, "I want to spend more time with you.. you're always around Dellinger and I missed you."

Your stone cold heart slightly warms at her cute confession.

Blushing slightly you squealed while hugged her tighter, "AHH YOU'RE SO CUTE AJJSJD I LOVE YOU OF COURSE I'LL SPEND ALL MY TIME WITH YOU!"

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