Soon enough my mind wondered to last night's date. 

It was strange, I wondered what Louie was hiding from me, we were pretty deep into a conversation then he cut it off as soon as we got to the restaurant, then never brought it up again. 

I guess it was for the best, I didn't want to have a fight at the restaurant then ruin the whole night. I know what it was though-

"Hey Webs", June called out to me as she walked into the kitchen, bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"Oh hey June, see you're finally awake", I smirk while turning my head to look at her. 

"Shut up, just because I overslept, that doesn't mean you can attack me", June answered back glaring at me. 

"Calm down, I was messing with you", I laugh out. 

I turned back towards the empty sink, and I started to drain the water out of it, trying to think of an interesting conversation topic, but Violet got to it first. 

"Hey guys, we should hide before they get back, so we can scare them for a birthday surprise", Violet suggested, making my heart speed up. 

"You sure we should-" "YES we should totally do that!", May and June said in unison, cutting me off. I guess I should have seen that coming. 

As soon as that happened the door bell rung, but nobody walked in...strange. 

"You guys wait here, I'll go see who it is", I mumbled out making my way towards the door, and opened it with no hesitation. 

"Della? Donald? Uncle Scrooge?", I asked out totally unaware that, that was going to happen. 

"Oh hey Webby...Is any of the boys home?", Della asked searching the apartment frantically from the doorway. 

"No they're out shopping...why?", I asked, my heart racing at the sight of them.

"Oh no reason lad, we just came here to wish them a happy birthday",  Scrooge said, causing me to smile a little bit, it reassuring to know that Della, Donald, and Scrooge still care for them even if they totally abandoned us and what not. 

I let the three of them in, knowing that June, May, and Violet didn't need an explanation since they were probably eavesdropping anyway. 

"May, June?", Della asked walking over to them bringing them into a great big hug. Wow she must have been pretty high the last time she saw them, if she didn't remember seeing them at all. 

I watched the happiness radiate throughout the room as everyone congregated. It made me happy to see that everyone was finally getting along after so many dreadful years. 

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves for the moment, so I decided to go back to my room for a hot second. I tried my best to make it to my room quickly, but I didn't want anyone to suspect anything. Once I made it back there I pulled a small box out from my closet and placed it on my bed. 

The box read, 'open this on my birthday ~Louie'. I sighed from the slightly messy handwriting but still smiled at the thought of a mini gift from Louie. 

I pulled back the slightly crinkled wrapping paper with force and it revealed a basic white box. With my curiosity taking over me, I opened the box and it had a necklace laying in the box, shimmering from the light that was peeking in through the window. 

"Oh my", I mumbled, my heart beating rapidly at the sight of the beautiful jewelry. 

I carefully pulled the necklace out of its box, and held it in between my fingers reading the engraving on the back of the sparkly charm. The engraving read, 'I love you', it was simple but the meaning made my heart flutter as if I was falling in love again. 

If Only You Knew~ *Ducktales Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now